chapter twenty-five | mocktails

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18+ warning. dirty long weekend stuff.

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"God, you look so good! I absolutely do not deserve you doll", Sebastian says as you open your door. You're wearing a little black dress, the one from Christmas actually, because you remember how crazy it drove him. You decided to wear blue eyeliner instead of your usual black one, foreseeing that there wouldn't be any need for lipstick tonight.

"You look very dapper yourself," grabbing your bag and locking the door. He's growing back his beard again, which suits his attire - he told you he was taking you to a fancy restaurant, so you both dressed up for the occasion, so much that he had a cute little black bow-tie to match his suit. He looked like a groom if you were being honest. You push that thought out of your mind - tonight was your first proper date with him.

You were almost his height now in you heels, so he didn't have to lean down so much to kiss your cheek as he walked you to his car and opened the door for you.

"Where you whisking me away to then?"

"Somewhere secret", he smirks as he speeds off into the night. Before you know it, you recognise where you're heading. West Village in beloved Manhattan.

He looks over as you light up seeing all the quaint restaurants. He loved making you happy, even if he had to save up for ages to do it. He should have known that just being in his presence made you the happiest you've been in a while anyway.

He pulls into a car park, and quickly gets out to open your door for you, like the gentleman he is. He skid across the bonnet like a teenager just to make you laugh at his stupid antics.

"M'lady", he says as he takes your hand.

"You're not taking me somewhere to murder me are you?", seeing that it was pretty quiet around here.

He laughs, "Just a little walk before we go to the restaurant, I want to amp up the anticipation before we get there", smiling down on you as you shake your head.

"You're too much, sir"

"You better not call me that again, or my pants will be too tight", he mumbles in your ear.

"Wait. Is this what I think it is?", as you pulls you into a building.

"Welcome to the NoMad Hotel, darling", he says, intertwining his fingers with yours as you walk in giggling. It was so beautiful, you couldn't put it into words. It was one of those corner buildings you loved to see populate the city, and the way the room was lit made it oh so romantic. Sebastian leads you towards the front desk, and you wait a little behind him until a man with long, blond hair comes to help you.

"Hi, I made a reservation. Should be under the name Stan?" The man looks on the screen in front of him, nodding.

"And did you want to check in? I can put tonight's order on a tab if you'd like, or you can do it later."

"Check in?", you whisper, your eyes blowing wide with shock, and a bit of lust. To your knowledge, the NoMad was expensive.

"Uh, yeah we'd like to check in then", Sebastian says before turning to you. "Yeah, I wanted to surprise you. A little weekend get away. Just the two of us here, with no prying eyes from people", smiling at you at the end. He was so nervous, knowing that you would have said no to him booking an expensive hotel on such impulse. But it's for us. You bite your bottom lip and nod, the both of you turning to face the counter again.

"Here are the two contactless keys to room 161 on the top floor. According to the system someone has already taken your bags up, but if you'd follow me to the restaurant, I'll introduce you to Andrew, who will be your waiter for tonight", moving quickly behind the counter & heading to the restaurant. Your heels clack on the tiles as you jog a little to catch up, Sebastian offering his hand behind him, without even looking at you, for you to grab.

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