chapter thirty-two | shut up

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"Seb? You ready?", walking into the apartment as you've now figured out where the spare key is. Under the welcome mat of course.

"You idiot. I told you I was picking you up", he calls. "Wait... how did you get in?"


"You went on the metro with your suitcase!", he nearly shouts, now not caring how you got into his apartment.

"Yeah it's fine-"

"No Janet. You were supposed to wait in your room for me to come get you."

"But you're closer to JFK tha-"

"Sit down and shut up. I'm still packing", pointing at the sofa before going back to his room to make more clutter.

It's not long before the door opens once again. "We're back!" Chris calls, with Zak trailing behind him. "Oh, I thought Sebastian was picking you up", surprised to see you.

"I'm trying to save the environment. You're close to the airport"

"You realise that's not going to help, we're taking a flight all the way to Paris", Sebastian says, lugging his suitcases behind him.

"You're going for a week, you don't need two suitcases", Chris frowns at him.

"I can't fold my stuff. I don't know what I need", he argues.

"Who's the stupid one now?", getting up from your seat on the sofa and grabbing one of the suitcases. You've knelt down to open it, and you rummage through the mess to start folding everything. Sebastian just stands there, mouth agape as he looks at you doing something so simple. Something so domestic.

"You've been looking long enough, pretty sure you can start helping me now love", peering over your shoulder to grin up at him.

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After speeding through the traffic and running through the airport, the two of you finally settle down in your seats. Sebastian lets you take the window seat, and you look down on the tiny people bustling through the streets and in high rise buildings working through the night.

"Do you think they'll bring us snacks?", you whisper, seeing as it was past 9pm and you had noted some kids boarding the plane.

"Darling, there's the sheet in front of you. We've got a 9 hour flight, you can get anything you want", squeezing your hand.

"How about the mile high club?"

"Absolutely not, oh my god", going bright red even under the dim light. "We're going to Disneyland. People's families are here. We are not going to do whatever you're thinking"

You giggle and shake you head. "Maybe on the way back then."

"Ugh, there's no changing your mind is there? Just shut up and come here", lifting up the arm rest and making grabby hands at you. You comply, biting down on your lip as you snuggle into his warm arms. He's wearing a big dark green knitted sweater, perfect for this situation - soft enough for you to rest your cheek on, and a few loose threads to play with.

"You like being bossy today or something? Told me to shut up quite a few times", you murmur.

"Well, I heard that every time I tell a student to shut up, I get a $15 bonus. Easy way to do it is through you", he jokes as he scrolls through the movies on the screen. "There's no Patrick Dempsey movies on here", he sighs after a while.

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