chapter twenty-nine | valentine

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major 18+ warning.

updated warning: there's a mommy link. sebastian calls jane mommy. i thought i got rid of this in the edited version, but it looks like wattpad didn't like that! so! fucking deal with it! if you don't like the mommy thing, then skip this chapter. it's really not a big deal, & i'm tired of reading comments about how much a reader didn't like it. this is supposed to be harmless fan fiction. i'm no longer APOLOGISING for what i write. you consume this at your own risk. literally so easy:

1. you see the words "mommy" in a sexual way
2. either continue, skip the chapter, or ignore it

i don't think one of the steps is to comment how much you hate something i wrote.

it's so bloody easy to skip a chapter, instead of comment.

i can't believe i have to write this out personally, because it's getting too much to handle.


enjoy. or skip. i don't care. let's just enjoy this fan fiction. v3

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"So, that wraps up today's seminar. I hope you all have your papers with you, don't want to keep anyone behind tonight", Sebastian says, walking back to the front of the room.

"Ah yeah, how's Aphrodite sir?", Jake calls from the back of the room as he gets his stuff ready.


"Last time, when we asked who your girlfriend was, you said she was your Aphrodite", he replies. "You got a hot date for Valentine's Day then?"

"Don't be an asshole Jake", Tom says, giving him a side eye.

"If he refers to her as being the goddess of love, I'll fucking assume she's good at sex", he whisper shouts, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly.

"Thanks I guess", you mutter. Anthony smacks the back of your head. "Ow, that hurt!"

"Good. Idiot. You don't want people gossiping about you around here", almost spitting his words at you as he goes to hand in his paper. "I'm not having my best friend get a bad reputation for being stupid and not controlling who she's in love with."

"Awww, you hear that? I'm his best friend guys!", you smile as you join the queue as Sebastian takes a brief look at what each person has done.

You're in ear shot of the conversation between Jake and Sebastian.

"Mr. Gyllenhaal, you pester me one more time about who my valentine is, I'm going to batter you with your work"

"I'm just trying to build a friendly relationship between us!"

"I'm your professor", frowning at him.

Jake smirks, leans down to say something, before you hear, "You two were quite loud at the NoMad. My father owns the place, according to him when he checked the lovey-dovey couple in, you really do know how to treat a girl right." Your jaw drops open when you hear that. Never in a million years did you expect Jake to be rich, nor humiliate a professor.

You catch Sebastian make a split-second glance at you, before seeing red. "Get out", he says through gritted teeth. He stands up from the table and folds his arms, now towering over Jake. "Get out of my class!", he raises his voice, enough for everyone to hear so that a silence falls over the room. "Congratulations Mr. Gyllenhaal, you are the very first person in my eight years here to receive a months ban from my class. I still expect you to catch up, I'm sure lots of people in here are happy to do that."

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