chapter twelve | gift

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Sebastian had been angry the rest of the week. The group projects were finally being presented, and it took most of the week after you two had finally had sex. He was mainly angry at himself for two reasons - the first being he didn't say what he wanted to say to you because of Mackie disturbing everything, and how he put you with Tom in a group. Why the fuck did I listen to Chris? Janet likes someone her age, and I folded for her begging.

Sebastian was being stupid. You thought of nothing else except that 20 minutes in his office, and you didn't care if you flunked your group presentation. The bruises which scattered your body were a constant reminder of how good he felt inside of you. But you couldn't dwell on that, especially when you were supposed to be making notes on all these empires.

"Good, thank you Elizabeth, Aaron, Jake and Karen for that wonderful presentation on the German Empire. Come and see me for feedback and grades whilst the final group sets up."

It's your group. Tom has been whispering in your ear all throughout, and you hope that Anthony would concentrate on presenting instead of trying to make people laugh. Pom had the presentation, and you passed around the notes. Every once in a while when you had began your presentation, you saw Sebastian at the back, almost always already looking at you. It was very hard to not smile during it, especially when you were talking about all the horrible things the Ottoman Empire did. He knew what he was doing, and it was on purpose. He was leaning back in his chair, with folded arms over his navy suit. At one point, when Anthony was talking about what some scholars had researched on the Ottomans, he had taken off his tie, unbuttoned his collar and rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt. There are honestly no words to describe how you felt.

"Janet? Your slide?" Pom whispers to you. You had been so absorbed in admiring your professor you had forgotten what you were supposed to say at this point. Sebastian smirks, and makes a note of something.

"Right. Uhm, so our conclusion is that..." and you finish off the presentation, hoping that it was coherent as the other groups. It seemed to go down well with the class, as there seemed to be a few more claps scattered around the room as Tom thanked everyone for listening.

"Great, well done guys. Everyone can leave whilst I give the feedback. Have a great weekend everybody, don't over work yourselves on that reading on the Black Death I set! Get some rest, you deserve it!" He calls as everyone storms out of the room.

Your group is still at the front; Pom laughs and hugs you, Anthony gives you a fist bump, saying "Hope we're friends after this. Gonna need your big brain in the exams."

Tom gives you a side-hug, "We were a great team you guys. We should hang out more often, it was fun", and everyone nods in agreement.

"I am waiting for you all." Professor Stan calls from the back of the lecture hall. The laughter succumbs as you all head up the stairs toward him, and you can see the darkness behind his eyes as you come closer.

"Thought you already did leg day sir" Tom jokes. Sebastian squints at him, and there's a shift in the mood the room.

"Nope. Thought you needed some extra work though. It was overall a good presentation, and you guys clearly worked hard and put effort, thought and research into everything. May I ask who did that?", looking between the four of you.

"That would have been me and Janet, sir" Pom says, pressing her hands together in nerves.

"I thought so. And what did you two boys do?"

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