chapter ten | no control

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You had tried to take Scarlett's advice. Mainly the 'Stop masturbating and get some proper dick'  part. It didn't go to plan, as you did turn up at Anthony's flat, but chickened out before you could even knocked. He was an attractive guy, but you couldn't sink that low, knowing that your professor had late-night thoughts about you too.

Or at least you thought he was behaving the same way you were. But your history grades suggested otherwise.

Your history grades kept on slipping. One point an essay would be a C, a quiz would be a A, and Chris kept on asking you over and over what was going wrong. You didn't know, and felt angry at Mr. Stan. You and Pom were studying so hard, and you both knew the content, but you felt he was marking you lower, and you had no idea why.

You were driving Sebastian crazy. Every time he saw you, you were wearing some sort of outfit that showed off your body, and he was sure you were doing it on purpose. It was very hard to teach with an erection, let alone conceal it. You had been continuously keeping up a 'innocent little girl' persona, and both of you knew you were acting the opposite.

One day, you both had enough. Plucking up the courage to do something. To see if the other would accept their potential advancement.

You went up to him in the seminar, asking "Sir, please tell me if this is correct". He took the notes from you, and whispered a "See me after class". It was frightening the way he said it to you, but that did not stop your feeling of excitement - you were going to be alone with him.

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"Janet Taylor", he says, shutting the door behind him after he dismissed the class.

"Sebastian Stan", you smirk. You liked how his name would roll of your tongue so smoothly.

It quickly fades away as he takes just three long strides to get to you, and your breath hitches as he is just inches from his face.

It reminds you of the first time you saw him, when you didn't know he was your teacher, and it's exciting how close he was.

"We-we shouldn't be... shouldn't be this close. Shouldn't be doing this", you whisper. It was like you had no control over your mouth, as if the rational part of you was speaking. Despite you enjoying the intimacy of his breath fanning your face.

"Then step away", he replies.

He searches your eyes for any sign of resistance, anything that screamed that you wanted to get out of the situation. But he just notices the specks of green in your eyes due to the tiny space between you two now.

"I don't think I will Professor", you gulp as he continues to tower over you. You have to strain your neck up a little if you wanted to make consistent eye contact, and you were not prepared to do that right now. You were rather prepared to do something else.

Sebastian feels his cock twitch just a little when you say professor. He's heard you say that countless amounts of times before, but the way you were just so close, yet so far away from his lips, everything seemed to change from that moment on.

"I would say that you're a good girl, but I don't think you have been lately. Wouldn't you agree? Wearing skirts so fucking short that I can see your ass whenever you walk around campus. For anyone to see. Jeans that highlight your figure. And you know what? I've had enough. I-I have to admit, that I don't like the fact anyone can see you the way I do." During this, you've inched backwards a bit, so that your shoulders have bashed against one of the pillars in the room. And he's following you.

"Have you got anything to say to that sweetheart?", stroking your cheek and gazing at you. He's so close that you two are practically sharing breaths.

"Please... please kiss me sir." He's hesitant. He's only dreamed of this, and never thought you would be here asking for something so innocent and simple. But he would do anything you said. Even if it was just to kiss you.

With a final whimper from you, he gives in, grabbing your shoulders and spinning you around so you were both hidden on the other side of the pillar. The room spins a bit, and you're sure you've accidentally hit your head, but all you care about is the way he's got one arm wrapped against your waist and the other on your cheek.

Sebastian kisses gently at first: it's heavenly how his mouths fits against yours, with his slightly chapped lips and that hint of coffee. You moan in delight, as it's finally fucking happening, and he takes the opportunity to deepen the kiss. He's rougher now, kissing as if his life depended on it, but it's okay.

It was more than okay. He's in your arms kissing you, and you're going crazy the way his beard scratches against your skin.

You've wrapped your hands in his hair, attempting to grab at something as he hoists you up against the pillar. You groan as you're the first to pull away, but you needed to catch your breath after the way his tongue dominated yours.

"You're gonna be the death of me someday", he murmurs. He's still holding you up, pressing his lips on your cheek.

"I've only ever imagined this." You whisper, stroking his hair. And you were glad for the chance, for it was soft, and you can see how much he likes you running your hands through it, as he goes to press a light kiss beneath your ear.

"Better than you imagined?", and you can feel his smirk forming against your skin. He knew he was good, but that validation from you was everything he wanted and more. Both of you needed validation from the other it seemed liked.

"Absolutely. Are you able to put me down now?" He gently puts you down, but still holds onto your waist, as if he's afraid to break you.

"You better go before someone catches us. Close the door behind you." You shuffle around him, and he presses his lips to yours once more before you leave the safety of the wall. A hand is resting on his chest, and you can feel his heart pounding against the black silk shirt. You pull away first, again, knowing if it carries on any longer you'll have no control over your actions. You blame him for being so... him.

"I'll come find you if I need anything", and you leave him with a wink, just like he does.

Sebastian lightly chuckles as you shut the door. He throws his head back against the pillar, looking down slightly at the floor as he composes himself. Replaying the fast few minutes in his head, knowing he would not be able to forget about it until he sees you again.

And as you're heading down the steps of the building into the freezing cold, you remember you never asked him why your grades were so low. You shrug your shoulders; it didn't matter in the moment, but what happened instead.

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This Love. | Professor StanWhere stories live. Discover now