chapter thirty-five | go with the flow

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Upon your return to college, the past few weeks had flown by, and soon, you only had a couple of weeks left of your first year at college. You had been so busy preparing for all your exams, getting ready for your study abroad and contacting your parents about the study abroad you hardly saw Sebastian unless he dragged you to his office or apartment to help you relax.

"So princess, how has your week been?"

"Okay I guess. I'm just trying to sort my shit out. Me and Pom are off to Oxford, and Tom and Anthony are at UCL. I mean, we're not all far away from each other, but it seems like no one can handle that we are staying apart."

"I know, your quartet is a funny bunch. But, you gotta put yourself first before the others. You're moving away too you know", a sadness in his eyes.

You had told him you were going over to England with Pom towards the end of August, so you had some time to adjust yourself to the new environment in time for the semester in late September. As soon as summer rolled around, you wanted to spend every waking moment with Sebastian before you left. You wouldn't see him for at least 3 months. Being halfway across the world, on completely different schedules, it was going to be difficult.

"Let's not dwell on that now. Let's just... go with the flow, making most of this precious time together", moving closer to him in the couch in his office. He laces his fingers with you, also feeling the need to stay close to you for as long as he could.

"I also have terrible news", he sighs.

"Wait, what? Is everything okay?", you asked concerned, seeing that he was nervously playing with the silver ring you had got him a few weeks ago.

"I won't teach you at all until third year. I got demoted", pouting a little.

"What the fuck that's amazing!", laughing a little at the expression on his face. "I'm sorry that was initial reaction-

"I'm trying to make you feel bad for me for once! You always make me feel bad for you", throwing his arms up in the air. "Why is me getting no second year teaching such a good thing?"

"No, cause when I come back, we can do whatever the fuck we want. You won't be my professor. No one can complain, no one will have a problem. We can just be together. There's always a silver lining in this sort of stuff love", wrapping your arms around his neck.

"Sebearstian", you say as you run your hands through his soft hair. Never in a million years would you understand how he got his hair to work so well with him.

"Janet, no, I hate that. I prefer it when you call me love", burying his face in your neck in embarrassment.

"Hair falling into place like dominoes", you simply say in response, loving how affectionate he was being today, even if it meant acting like he was 3 years old.

"So who you teaching next year then?"

"First and Third years for the next two years. Then there's the review again", he sighs.

"And life's just so hard is it?", laughing at how much he was sighing today.

"I'm just tired. I want the school year to be over like right now. I don't want to mark your papers, can't I just say you all got As?"

"You'd be out of a job love", you pat his head.

"You're so clever", he mumbles just before he kisses you. His hands move to your waist to pull you into his lap, and once you're secure, he caresses your cheek as your tongues fight for dominance.

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