chapter eighteen | unseen

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"Remember how I said I had a gift for you?" Sebastian whispers. He went to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. It was a long night of course, and you both finally agreed to let Chris have some sleep.

"Mhmmm. You gonna give it to me? I assume it wasn't just your cock", sitting up to grab the cereal. He reaches behind you, pulling a small bag out of the drawers. As excited as you are to open it, you say, "I don't expect you to constantly spend your money on me. Like you said yourself, you aren't made out of money-".

"Just shut up and open it", shaking his head in stiffed laughter. You take your bottom lip between your teeth as you listen and open it up.

"I... I don't know what to say", giggling when you see that it's a pair of earrings. They hang just a little, and they're stunners the way the light bounces off the silver diamonds, making them shine.

"You don't have to say anything. It's just a small well done for getting through the first semester. It can be tough", kissing the corner of your mouth as he puts them on for you.

"How do they look on me then?", tempted to pull off a fashion show just for him.

"Beautiful. I expect to see them in my classes", pulling you into his lap.

You finish off your cereal before escaping his grip, "I need to pee, give me one of your shirts, I don't like walking around your room naked."

"But I do!" He's got a smile that looks like he's the cat that got the cream, so you move to take off the one he's wearing right now. He just smiles and lets you do it anyway. "Fine. Leave me the one to be naked then", he calls as you head into the bathroom.

You've spent a while in the bathroom, which Sebastian doesn't notice. He assumes you're doing something he doesn't understand. Which, you were. Texting Scarlett because she was spamming your phone the entire time.

janet, i called you like 20 times, where are you?

please don't be dead in a ditch

i'll literally take your clothes if you're dead

so for your sake, don't be dead

i'm alive, i am here

i think

no clothes for you !!

where have you been??

not even pom has seen you since the exam

i was busy, calm down




was it good?

haven't had anything for a while so

yeah really good

GOD i did not need that much detail

just come home soon

i want to throw a party, and i'll let your weird friends help

whoop whoop!!

see ya soon :)

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