chapter seventeen | good for you

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major 18+ warning. sebastian is pushing janet to her limit. dirty, dirty stuff. p in v again!!

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"Thank fuck that last paper is over. We can party again and forget the horrible experience", Tom says, sniffling a little when Mr. Stan had finished collecting the papers. It was the hardest paper you had sat over the winter exam season, but fucking your history professor helped more than you hoped.

It looked like he gave more than a few hints to what was coming up, but it still didn't mean you thought you had messed everything up. You forget about it though, smiling at your friends now that you could look forward to the holiday season properly.

You were almost certain most of your class nearly burst into tears when they saw the questions. Including your friends, even though you were kind enough to share what Sebastian had given you, without giving away you saw his cock almost every night in exchange.

"I'm ready to go to some good parties before I head home", as there was still two more days before the semester finished. I'm also ready for some never ending sex, it's been two weeks since I've seen Sebastian.

Chris has a date tonight, so I have the place to myself for a while

As long as he doesn't bring home the guy

Can't wait to see you naked again

you're super creepy

terrible at flirting

Luckily I'm really good at sex

Come round 5:30?

as long as you're stark naked when you open the door

I'll see you then ;)

"What you laughing at?", Pom says, trying to sneak a look at your phone. Luckily, you lock it just as she grabs the device. She groans in frustration. "I wanted to see who has you so happy!"

"How do you know it's a person?", asking as you all pack your things up.

You see Sebastian take a double take at you, as if he remembered you were in the room only after he sent those texts. For a 38 year-old college professor, he certainly lacked common sense.

You shake your head a little as you start to make your way out of the door, hoping that everyone was in the mood to get coffee.

"Because you're constantly biting your lip whenever you look at the screen. It's clear you're in the speaking stage with someone", Anthony says, lightly poking your side, and you squirm in response.

You do the same as you're walking out, "But what if I'm looking at cooking videos?"

"Ooo, those are good. I'll believe Janet over Anthony any day", Tom says behind you, and everyone chuckles at his remark.

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"Oh, well, nice to see you too Janet", Sebastian shoves you off him once he's opened the door. You basically threw yourself at him when you saw he lived up to his promise of being completely naked when he opened the door.

"Chris gone?", you pant out, running up the stairs. The elevator was too slow to come down for your liking.

"Left about 20 minutes ago." And with that confirmation, you smash your lips onto his. You're both obviously hungry for each other, as you two stumble around the place, attempting to get to his bedroom whilst still kissing the other. If anyone could see this, you would look stupid. Your clothes are scattered all over the apartment as you finally flop down on his bed.

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