chapter six | infatuation

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Your next lecture with Professor Stan was coming up in the next couple of hours, and you were going to find out who would be part of your group project.

You only wished that you were able to to a split project with your professor.

Stupid brain. You keep on breaking your promise to yourself, and you're considering going to confession. Anywhere. You weren't a religious person, but you would believe anything to get him off your mind. Worship the devil if you had to.

It's not like Scarlett didn't know. She once heard your whimpers at some god-forsaken hour of the night, and now you're telling her about every tiny interaction you have with Mr. Stan.

"You know this infatuation with him is concerning?"

"I'm not the one calling him a good girl for just breathing!"

She laughs at that, almost howling. "Yeah you're right. If you do end up having sex with him, just tell me how big he is. I've always wondered".

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You take a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself for this lecture. Not only were you and your classmates going to find out who would be in their group project, you were going to ask Professor Stan to mark your new essay, and hopefully change the C that plagued your report.

He's running late. Its 9:12am and he still isn't here. There's joke flying around that they'll leave the room if he doesn't turn up by 9:15am.

"Sorry everybody. I'm here now, got caught up by the coffee cart." You wonder if it's the coffee cart where you two first met, as he has two coffee cups in his hands. Your mind travels to his office last week. Was the coffee for you? Your stomach flutters at the idea.

You're not the only one who notices, as a couple of the girls behind you start giggling. You weren't one to be jealous, as you and Sebastian both knew that he was carved by the Greek God's themselves, but it did shatter your soul to hear them conspire who the other coffee was for.

"Right, I better get started with assigning everybody their groups. You've then all got 10 minutes to discuss what empire you're going to cover, then the rest of this session to plan. Make sure everyone has an equal set of work please, this is a group project for a reason."

He's reading the list of people in the class, and it looks like the majority of your classmates are happy with their groups.

"And finally, Anthony Mackie, Pom Klementieff, Janet Taylor and Tom Holland, you're in a group. 10 minutes everyone before you send someone to tell me your empire." Mr. Stan says Tom's voice almost irritatingly. You make the connection that Professor Evans was indeed gossiping about your 'silly crush' on a classmate.

You ignore it. It wasn't best to overthink it now, but bring up it up next week with Chris. He wasn't supposed to spread the lies you fed him. Now, your professor putting you in a group with a crush was something you'd expect in middle school.

Pom was one of the girls who were giggling at Professor Stan. You weren't blind, she was always fluttering her lashes at him, but so was everyone else. She was always kind enough to share her notes with you if she saw you struggling to keep up with Professor Stan's pace. You liked her, and she liked you. Pom was definitely someone who you'd want on a group project.

Anthony and Tom on the other hand, were a different story. They've known each other since high school, and their friendship was odd.

"Hey, you're the girl that dragged Jake's ass over the floor that first seminar!"

You blush. "Yup, that's me." At least you're not known as the girl who wanted to desperately fuck her professor. You expect a shiver when the thought comes to mind, ignoring it. But you find yourself getting weaker when no shiver comes.

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Your group is the last to go up to tell Professor Stan about your group project. Anthony and Tom were bickering the entire time, and you all finally settled on the German Empire, with a back up of the Ottoman's if it was taken after Pom suggested a coin toss. Thank goodness for women.

You're heading up towards Mr. Stan's table, and he's started his second coffee. You knew it wasn't for anyone, but a tiny, tiny part of your brain hoped it was for you. Especially after the little stunt you pulled a week or so ago. Imagination gets the best of all of us right?

"Hi sweetheart.", and you swear your heart drops to your stomach. There he goes again, making all of this really difficult. "You're doing okay with that group?"

"I- um- yeah, yeah it's all good. We've decided on the German Empire."

"Argh... If you came up 5 minutes earlier you would have got that. It's gone to Elizabeth's group. Got any others you guys thought of?"

"The Ottoman Empire? Please say that's available, I don't know what I'd do if I have to go back with a different plan." Seeing you beg for something so little made Sebastian nearly spill his coffee over his pants, maybe hoping you'd clean it up for him.

He lightly chuckles. "You can have it. Good luck."

You thank your ancestors for whatever they did to do that. "Can I see you after class?"

He nods slowly, putting on his glasses and turning back to his laptop before he says something that shouldn't leave his lips.

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"You asked to see me? Everything okay?" He was worried. Why didn't you go and see Chris? He was your tutor after all. What if was about his behaviour? Was he making you uncomfortable? That was the last thing he wanted to do. He could live with rejection, but making you uncomfortable? It would haunt him for the rest of his life.

"Yeah, I... I have an essay I'd like you to look over."

An essay? He didn't expect extra work from his students, that was made very clear in the first lecture, but took it from your hands. He sees it's the first one he set, and you've re-written it. He knows where this is going.

"I've been doing all the extra reading you've suggested in that booklet, and finding even more journals to inform my argument. I was hoping that maybe you'd mark it and if it's better-"

"Change your grade?", cutting you off, and smirking. You hoped he couldn't read you like a book, because the thoughts racing through your mind were not concerned with your essay or your grade. "I'll see what I can do. Come by my office tomorrow, we can go through it together. Definitely looks better even just skimming it."

You grin. "Well, thank you sir. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon then."

"You're a good girl for completing this." The comment makes your smile grow bigger and you feel that familiar heat between your legs again; you hadn't heard that for a while. I cannot wait to get home.

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