chapter fifteen | guilty pleasure

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"Thanks for such a nice weekend Sebastian, I really enjoyed myself", grinning widely up at him.

"I enjoyed you too", he smirks.

You playfully smack his arm and roll your eyes.

"You roll your eyes at me one more time, I'm going to have to teach you a lesson", smirking yet again. That smirk was what kept you going, if you were being honest.

You roll them on purpose, "You were saying?", swinging your arms around his neck in hope.

"You better get going. Chris will be here any moment", kissing the tip of your nose. If only he lived by himself, then I'd stay in his arms all the time. You clear your throat as you move to pick up your bag, ashamed at how quickly you became so needy.

He sees your pout, "Tell you what, can't let such a pretty lady walk around New York on her own so late at night. I'll come with you"

You raise your eyebrow, "You've never done that. Even if I'm leaving at 6 AM."

"I'm doing that now? Isn't that enough?", grabbing his keys, jacket and you.

"Well, I only like travelling if I listen to music, so you'll have to share a earbud with me", walking fast to catch the next train.

"If I chose", he grumbles.

"My earbuds. My songs", you frown as you push the door in the hall to get the elevator.

"Alright, alright", holding his hands up in defense as he jogs to catch up with you.

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Your shoulders are pressed together, even though the carriage is almost deserted. You close your eyes despite the annoying bright lights. Your knees keep on knocking against Sebastian's every time the train stops and starts, but the two of you sit in silence, enjoying the music that softly narrates the journey home.

Sitting there, you think about the Thanksgiving weekend you spent together. Not exactly the most romantic holiday you can think of, but it was sweet. Sebastian would wake you up with the smell of breakfast, which would be entirely forgotten about when you finally realized he was wearing nothing under the apron. Then you'd just sit together, doing your own things. He would mark papers, you would attempt to study - it's really hard to do so when the man sitting opposite you wore such tight shirts and concentrated so hard that he was always adjusting his glasses.

You noticed he walked around a lot. A lot. He'd go to the kitchen to get some water, and stroke your hair as he walked past. Next thing you knew, papers were strewn everywhere as he made out with you on the table. You were the one consistently reminding him he was the adult, and to do his work. Yesterday you had to motivate him to finish marking the second year papers by sucking his cock as he sat in his chair. Even if you removed all the sexual activities happening that weekend, it was still the most fun you had in a while.

"Hey, nice song. One of my favourites" He says, removing your earbud.

It's Hungry Eyes. You only had it downloaded because you found it to be a guilty pleasure. You make a mental note of his comment.

You nod in response. "How long 'till we get there?" Sebastian had too much energy sometimes, that it was a miracle you could walk.

"Next stop darling. You get ready, I'll carry your stuff."

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The two of you had finally got back to your building, trying your best to keep quiet.

"So, this is me. I'd invite you in but we don't wanna get caug-"

Sebastian's pushed you against a wall in a dark corner. You see some drunk students stumbling home not that far away.

"Seb-". He cuts you off with a deep kiss, not like one you've ever shared before. No tongues fighting for dominance, nor rough. It's one you thought your first ever kiss would be like; it makes you yearn for him, whilst also stimulating butterflies in your core. You feel like you're in high school, the way your hand rests perfectly on his chest so you feel his racing heart beat, and how he's grabbing your face as if this kiss is giving him oxygen. It's stupid the way it makes you feel. Ironically, when he pulls away, your breath is taken away.

"I had to do that before I run away like a 4th grader", he whispers onto your lips before disappearing into the night.

"You're my guilty pleasure!", you hear as you head inside.

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You're grinning widely as you grab your keys, not minding that you dropped them a couple of times. Nothing could ruin your mood, humming something softly as you walked into the room.

"As your person, I have to tell you that is not how you sneak around with a hot professor." Scarlett startles you, your attempt to sneak in failing as you turn on the lights, finding her sitting on the sofa.

"Jesus Christ. What are you on about?", acting dumb, despite your heart feeling like it was going to thump out of your chest.

"I could hear you two laughing a few minutes ago. Got up as I recognised both. Why didn't you tell me? I thought we told each other this kind of stuff", furrowing her brows together in displeasure.

You're too tired for a lecture from Scarlett. She had terrible timing. "Because I thought it was a fling."

"That kiss suggests other wise."

"You watched us?!", a little creeped out.

"Please, neither of you are good at this sneaking around thing."

You groan in frustration, "God, just don't do anything stupid. This is my choice, and I don't need you of all people to become my parents", you call as you head towards your room.

"Fine. One question then."

"I'm exhausted, ask anything tomorrow." You slam your bedroom door shut.

"How big is he!", knocking harshly on your door.

"Massive! Pretty sure I need a new hole now!"

You laugh as you fall asleep, touching your lips in an effort to relive that last kiss.

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