chapter sixteen | attached

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minor 18+ warning. i feel evil for writing this.

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"You're late home", Chris says as Sebastian walks in.

"I can say the same for you, I thought your plane didn't land until around lunchtime." A lie; Sebastian had always been too good at lying to Chris' face. Chris had always been good at knowing when he was being lied to.

"Did you invite that girl over the weekend? It's a mess in here." Chris asks, following Sebastian to the kitchen. He leans against the frame of the door, waiting almost impatiently for an answer.

"And what if I did?", shrugging his shoulders. He paid for this apartment too, he could do what he liked. He was tired of Chris treating him like a child.

"Don't drink the juice from the carton stupid. I don't want you to get too attached", remembering the last time he slept with someone he wouldn't stop rambling about them.

"I'm not getting attached. We're just sleeping together."

"Every night? I don't know who's louder, you or her", he grumbles.

"You idiot", throwing the now empty carton at Chris' leaving figure. I'm not attached to her.

"At least let me meet her. I would like to know who has you all... messed up like this."


"You're gonna have to tell me at some point who the third coffee is for!"

Sebastian is silent at that. On coffee runs for him and Chris on campus, he would buy a third coffee. Hoping to run into you at some point, but he would end up drinking it cold.

"Nope. I'll see you later, gotta do something", seeing a text from you.

Scarlett knows

Meet me at work?

I'll see you soon

"Booty call?", he laughs as Sebastian closes the door. He only wishes that was true.

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"How the fuck does she know?" Sebastian hisses as he grabs you and shoves you in one of the aisles. Seeing him angry made tingles erupt through your core, but you had to control your feelings.

Scarlett told you not to become attached because of the authority he holds over you, but you didn't mind. You promised to follow her wishes as best you could - Mr. Stan was a very handsome man after all.

"Nice to see you too", shoving your shoulders indicating for him to remove his grip. It tightens instead, his eyes growing wider. It's almost as if he's afraid. You knew both your reputations were on the line, but you never thought he cared about it so much.

"How?", he's angrily whispering.

"She saw you kiss me last night", heavily breathing. Again, seeing him so angry someone knew about... whatever this was, made you weak in the knees.

He sighs, and lets you go to run his hands through his hair in frustration, and partial relief, for it was for his idiotic actions and not rumours flying around campus. It's incredibly attractive.

"Why are you so worried? Scarlett isn't going to say anything. She knows to leave some things alone you know-"

Hearing someone coming, he pulls you into the bathroom at the back of the store. He's pressed his body against yours, and you gasp a little at the feeling of him pressed against your thigh.

"I'm angry. Angry with myself, that I'm putting my career on the line. That you're risking getting kicked out. Angry that I'm getting attached to you", he's rambling on as he's unzipping his pants and lifting you up against the sink.

"And-and what are you going to do about it?", the speed of the situation making your head spin. In a good, pleasurable way though.

"Make sure that you feel just as angry as I am", pushing himself into you. He remains still, and puts his lips against yours as your groan. "No sex until the exams are finished." He thrusts inside you once to tease you before pulling out.

You could scream at him. You always feel so much better when he's inside of you, and he's now denying you his cock? Two can play that game.

"No hand jobs for you then either."


"Fine." He kissed the corner of your mouth as he's putting himself back in his pants.

"You're attached me, huh?" A light blush paints his face at that. He's so pretty when he does that.

"I really hope that's okay", caressing your cheek as you place your hands on his waist.

"More than okay. I feel the same way", smiling up at him.

"Miss, you better get back to work. Gotta treat me on dates."

"Stealing my money now Mr. Stan? Usually sugar daddies have their own money", you smirked, adjusting your hair and skirt as you do.

He scoffs, "I've told you before. I'm not made of money-"

"Hey, hey, hey. Calm down. Don't worry about it. I was joking", running your thumb against his lips as you giggle.

You take a step back after a second, shocked at your own intimacy for a moment. "Are you... are we okay?"

"Like I said, I'm attached to you. Go to work, I'll text you later", leaving as quickly as he entered the shop.

You felt and embarrassed and incredibly horny for the rest of the day, nervous that you've messed everything up. But Sebastian is able to calm your nerves with a series of texts as you finish for the day.

Bought you something small

For when you finish exams, as a treat

I don't mind treating you

You deserve it

Just don't milk my bank account, gotta be able to survive to keep on seeing you

I'd prefer if you'd milk my dick instead ;)

you disgust me

talking about no sex and you send dirty messages?

pretty sure that's not part of the rules

I made this deal

My rules

But yes, no sexting

Doesn't mean I can't tease you though

I like doing that

trust me

i know you do

let me study in peace now

see you tomorrow? :)


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