chapter thirty-one | need

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major 18+ warning. just oral sex (female receiving)

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"Professor Stan, is it true your Aphrodite is someone in this class?", someone calls from the back of the room once Sebastian enters the lecture hall. You see his steps falter for a second before placing the boxes of chocolates on his desk. You just hope that the people around you can't see you go bright red at the question.

"Uhm, yes. Yes its true. All I ask of you guys, is that you respect our privacy. That means no gossiping around campus if you know who it is. She'll tell you if she wants you to know who she is. Understood?" Everyone murmurs in agreement. As he's setting up his presentation, he looks up. Seeing that people were still whispering, he makes an impulse decision.

"Looks like you guys still have some worries or questions about it. If you want to ask anything, I can try and be as transparent as you like?", sitting down on one of the desks at the front of the room. You shoot him a look, both of you gulping down a feeling of rising sick.

"So, what, do other people know who Aphrodite is then?"

"Yes. Faculty know, so don't worry about any illicit affairs or stuff like that. Like you guys, they were a little uncomfortable about it. We even had a meeting and everything about it, and they warmed up to the idea. It's an exceptional circumstance, I'm not promoting any of you to go seek a sexual relationship with your professors"

"Exceptional circumstance?" someone else asks.

"As in, when we first met, I didn't know she was a student, and she didn't know I worked here. It's a bit silly, considering I told her off at the coffee cart. You all know I lack common sense. But, I don't give her any advantage. At all. All my marking is checked by Pa- Professor Rudd, and I check his."

"Prove it", someone says from the entrance. You turn your head and see Jake there.

"Mr. Gyllenhaal. Glad we sorted out our disagreement out, take a seat. I'll show you guys the marking system, give me a second to cover up your names, don't want to make any of you uncomfy", getting up and grabbing his laptop. "As you can see, every single one of you is at a similar level. You're an inquisitive bunch, you know your stuff, and like to ask questions to expand your knowledge. And on that note, we actually have a quiz today. Even Aphrodite didn't know about it", he chuckles as he hands the papers around the room, surrounded by echos of groans of disappointment.

"So, let's say that we saw you leave her dorm this morning after kissing her publicly." Elizabeth starts.

"Miss. Olsen, I hope you're not insinuating that you've been stalking me around campus", he jokes.

"No! I- I just happen to live in the same building as her-"

"Right. Then I'd say, just keep it to yourself. We're not sneaking around, but obviously my girlfriend has to be comfortable around here as much as I do. I work here, she needs to graduate. She doesn't need the hassle of defending us from everybody, and neither do I. Honestly, just speak with her if you do have worries or think of anything else", he grins at you briefly as he hands you your paper.

"Now, I'm going to shut up and let you get on with that quiz while I get to look at Patrick Dempsey. Feel free to come up at any time to get some chocolate, you lot need it this semester."

"Was that a Valentine's gift from Aphrodite then?", Aaron smiles as he points at the shirt.

"Yes, yes it was. I have competition, the first film we watched together was Enchanted", blushing a little and putting his head in his hands as the room 'aws' at him. "I have no filter, I'm sorry. Get on with the quiz now", shushing everybody.

This Love. | Professor StanWhere stories live. Discover now