chapter thirty-three | daddy

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major 18+ warning. you know what's coming based off the chapter title !!

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You drag Sebastian all the way back to your hotel room, the lightsabers now prodding your sides as your hands are preoccupied with his belt. "You remember my prize?"

"Yes, getting me quite excited... daddy", he breathes out as you plant kisses across his neck. You push him down on the bed, the mattress springing up underneath the force.

"Oh, come on", still working on trying to take off his jeans.

"Need some help there?", he laughs.

You clutch the sides of his neck, lightly squeezing it. "Maybe if you didn't wear such tight pants as if you were in a fucking boy band, I'd be sucking you off by now", keeping one hand on his neck as you palm him through the rough material of the dark denim. He nods slightly, afraid to speak now. "Dumbass. You'd expect me to wear a dress for easy access, and you wear the tightest jeans on the planet? Must be torture for you, your cock just wants to spring out and be instantly buried in me huh?", now moving off him to get on your knees.

"Uh-huh. Yes daddy", watching you slowly take down his boxers. You're face to face with his cock, dripping with pre-cum. You instinctively rub your thighs together for a bit of friction.

"Oh fuck this, Sebastian. We both know I'm not good at being in control", you sigh, backing out of the opportunity.

"Just tell me what you want me to do, and I'll do it. Simple as that yeah? Don't have to call you anything apart from your name if you want", stroking your cheek.

"Just make love to me on that bed. Just love. Nothing dirty, no weird positions, no sex toys. Just you and me", gazing up at him and making the best doe eyes you could on the spot.

"Mhmm. Want me to take my time?", seeing you nod at the question. He picks you up, places you by the pillows and hovers above you. "Want me to slowly make love to you into the mattress? Several times so you won't be able to walk properly by dinner time?"

"Wanna feel every inch of you. Pretend it's our wedding night", you murmur as he unzips the side of your dress.

"Marriage already? Slow down darling, only our first vacation together."

"Says the man who made up a fake name to meet my family after only 3 months of dating", you sigh as he tosses it to the side.

"Touché", he laughs as he slides the summer dress off your body. "You've just turned 19, can't be thinking of marriage already", scanning your body as if it was the first time he ever saw it.

"Been thinking of it since I could talk", you breathe out as he works his mouth on your collarbone.

"Oh yeah? Long time to think about it then. Tell me, were you going to wear this underneath your gown?", referring to the black lingerie set you had on. It was simple, nothing extravagant. It was just cotton pieces of fabric really. You can barely think of a response as he's moving down your body, making sure to leave no area of your skin untouched.

"This old thing? Never. I'd have a garter belt on silly. And it would be a white lace set."

"You know white is for innocence right?", you nod in response, as you feel his fingers shift your panties to the side. "I don't think you're that innocent darling", before sliding two fingers into you. You gasp, and he smirks before pumping them in and out of you. He removes them for a brief moment, making you shuffle towards him. "You're just proving my point sweetheart", as he takes off your panties so he can see just how wet you are already.

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