chapter fourteen | bimbo

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ORIGINAL authors note: i'd like to clear some things up. especially since i am not responsible for what you read on here - if you're uncomfortable with anything i have written so far i strongly suggest that you leave this story because it is going to get more intense.

i feel like there was some negative comments when i made both sebastian and chris bisexual - the reasoning behind this is because i am trying to incorporate some suggestions in the comments (as i love people interacting with my story and want to make sure you're happy with it!!) and i was not comfortable with writing about threesomes if they weren't bisexual. if that doesn't make sense to you, i just wanted to write it that all parties involved were comfortable with the idea. if it was not your intention to come across as negative please do not worry!!

secondly, i think the way i have written Sebastian, such as my attempts at degrading or when he thought Janet was easy, have come across as extremely misogynistic. that was completely not my intention, and i wrote a lot of that in the way that i would want to experience, because for me personally, i want a sexual partner to be misogynistic to me in bed. i don't want that to happen in any other situation unless both of us were okay with it, and that it would only happen in that situation- as a woman myself i don't want to encourage that it is okay to be misogynistic towards a sexual partner unless both parties are okay with that. communicate with your partner. i don't mind that: please do keep in mind that this is completely fictional, and you do not have to like every single thing i write, but please consider i cannot please everyone who reads this story.

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You'd got into a good routine by late November. Hanging out with your new found group: Tom, Anthony and Pom. The four of you had so much fun together, that it was difficult to not think of them constantly.

The other person who filled your head, day and night? Sebastian Stan. For the first time in your life you felt like those 'it' girls you always saw in coming-of-age films. You fit in with your friends, you had a great roommate, and slept with the man of your dreams.

It was a case of eat, study, party, fuck, sleep, repeat. Only stuff few could experience.

One night, you got a text from Sebastian.

Do you think it would be a good idea for you to stay the weekend?

as in thanksgiving weekend?


Unless you have plans?

Then don't worry

i'm free :)

Great :)

We'll have a great time

Don't forgot you gotta study too

why :(

Because you have to keep your grades remember?

we agreed that you'd keep my grades good

That's only for history dumbass

You have to pass your classes or I'll have to end it 😞

but what if I turn your type into bimbos??

You forget I live with Chris

Just come by Friday night

Got a class now

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