chapter twenty-six | terrace

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major 18+ warning. continuation of hotel stay.

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Waking up on the large bed, you stretch out to find a cold, empty spot where you expected to find Sebastian. You rub your eyes as you sit up, feeling sore from last night. Looking to the side of the bed, you see your dress in pieces, thanks to Sebastian deciding it would be a good idea to use a knife instead of his hands to remove it off your body. It was incredibly hot, but you were squirming thinking he'd accidentally cut you and not realise.

You decide to finally get up and find Sebastian after texting Scarlett that you were okay. You find his shirt on the floor and you button it up, as you didn't bring a change of clothes with you. You pad around the place for a while, until you find him hunched over his laptop typing out emails.

"Hi", you mumble in his ear as you snake your arms around his chest, so that he can still do whatever he needs to. You feel his warmth as you press a light kiss to the back of his neck.

"Good morning darling", kissing your arm in return. "Nice sleep?"

"The best, much comfier than yours. We should do this more often."

He chuckles, "I only get paid once a month", still typing away.

"Whatcha doing?", running your hands through his hair. He almost purrs like a cat at your touch, loving the affection you give him.

"The one weekend I want to spend with my girlfriend, undisturbed so I can make love to her all day long, everyone decides to have a meltdown", seeing he's sending off very long emails to students and staff.  "Hey, read what Paul sent", pulling up a chair for you.

Hi Sebastian.

Hope you're having a nice weekend. I know you're with Janet, and I'm so sorry to disturb what I know is supposed to be a romantic getaway. Just reminding you to tell the students about opportunities to study abroad - via email or whenever you see them next.

Show this to Janet because I know you'll go and forget. I think I trust her more than you. Another reminder to stay safe!



You laugh, leaning back in your chair. "That's his thing then, wanting to be a grandma"

"Should we make his dream come true then?", toying with the buttons on the shirt.

"You are not making me pregnant", you huff.

"What, you don't want me to fill you up to the brim?", he teases. It makes you tingle in your core, the way it oddly pleased you.

"No, cause I'm not on birth control stupid", moving from your chair onto his lap. "Now, I'm much more comfortable", Sebastian smirking  as you wiggle a little to get comfy, only to be reminded you aren't wearing anything underneath the shirt.

"Isn't that my shirt from last night?"

"No, it's my own personal dressing gown. Now, tell me about the study abroad from that email."

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