chapter three | good girl

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Of course when you arrive at the library, the book you were supposed to get for your reading wasn't there. Not even Scarlett had a copy for you to use, finishing world history a year ago, discarding everything.

"Let's head into the city! I want to do some retail therapy anyway", she suggests. And it was the perfect excuse for you to leave your room. Both of you were just planning to spend this Friday night in your shared kitchen anyway, so it wasn't like either of you were in a hurry.

You found a tiny bookshop which had second hand books for college students, along with a coffee shop. It was something out of your dreams - maybe New York was the right place for you. The book was tattered, and had terrible water damage with a cracked spine.

"Are you sure you want that one Jan? I'm sure we can find a better one", but it was already in the growing pile of books in your hands. You even managed to find a couple of books for your English elective with Professor Evans. You only took that elective because you enjoyed reading, and hated everything else that came with it. The professor was a bonus anyway, as he was your tutor too. You had met him before on an open day, and he was very warm and welcoming.

"Nah, this is okay! I love it, it feels like I can make it my own. Y'know highlight, annotate it without having to return it."

"Well, its up to you. Wanna get a drink before we do some real shopping?"

You see that they're advertising for part-time jobs in the shop, and take one of the application forms. You needed all the money you could get to survive four years in such an expensive city, as you already signed up to help tutor high school students. Very low pay, but you guessed helping other people access higher education was more important than getting a good wage.

Sitting down after paying for the books and some food, you spot someone in the corner. Professor Stan. He hasn't noticed you, but you certainly notice the sudden need to cross your legs together.

"Oh. I see you've met Sebastian" Scarlett smirks as she looks briefly behind her. "Seems like everyone crosses their legs when they see him."

Your brows furrow a little bit at the information that he makes everyone call him by his first name. Again, you berate the intrusive thoughts.

"How do you know who he is?"

"He's good. He's my tutor, you know helping me with college stuff and checking my essays. Very nice, and I'm pretty sure everyone fancies him."

"Do you fancy him?"

"Duh. Does a bear shit in the woods?", rolling her eyes and sipping her coffee.

You have to agree with her. The way he leans on his hand when he's reading, and squints at his laptop... it's the little things which makes him so compelling.

You want to give yourself a hard slap - he was a professor, and you were his student. You should keep your thoughts about him professional. Such as what questions you should ask in class instead of wondering how his hair looks so soft despite how short it was.

"I mean, I guess he is good looking. You know he winked at me when I left the lecture?", raising brow, wanting to gossip instead.

"Does that to all the ladies", Scarlett mumbles as she takes another sip of her drink. Good. Then it was nothing to spend your nights overthinking about.

Sebastian looks up as he hears some people leaving. He hates how people don't lift their chair when getting up, the sound of the legs scraping against the floor is probably his biggest pet peeve. He sees you with Scarlett, and you're wearing a black jumper with a mini skirt. Not something he would imagine you wearing, but then again, he only knew you for a couple of hours.

This Love. | Professor StanWhere stories live. Discover now