chapter thirty-four | somewhere only we know

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major 18+ warning - shower sex coming up as promised!

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After lots of pleading and promises of blow jobs, you finally got Sebastian to let you spend your hard-earned money for once. You also managed to get him to tell you where he gets so much money.

"Sebastian, don't fucking lie to me. I know how much you earn monthly"


"Paul gave me your pay slip because you forgot to pick it up remember? The last day before spring break?"

"Oh, so you're snooping through my finances now?"

"You're being melodramatic, you opened it in front of me and cheered when you saw you got a bonus!"

"Ok, I remember now."

"See? Now where do you get all your money?"

"I am a professor"

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock"

"If you'd let me finish, I get paid to write for historical journals and websites and I go into schools to encourage humanities degrees and help students with the application process. I do a lot side jobs alongside teaching. I have several payslips- "

"Wasn't so hard was it? Just wanna know more about you Seb. You do such great things you know. Brag about it to me. Just not about how much more money you get than me."

"You're right."

"Yeah, I usually am."

"I protest that statement."

"No you don't. At least you're not a mafia boss."

"Have you even met me?"

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The trip was soon coming to an end, and you were saddened by it. You had so much fun with Sebastian, acting like a child with him and just being yourselves without having to worry about people from college gossiping about the pair of you. Sebastian had made the decision to make the trip only a week so that you both had some time to catch up on school work. It was sensible, and took you by surprise. Benefits of having an older boyfriend.

"Come on, go get ready", Sebastian says as he opens the door and throws some bags on the bed. You had decided to just laze around in the hotel for the last night, and you had spent most of the day watching the Star Wars movies, which you actually thoroughly enjoyed. Sebastian left after you said you preferred the prequels, and you hadn't seen him since.

"Uh, what's all this?", seeing that there were a couple of bags with dresses in them. "Sebastian, what did I say about spending your money on me?"

"Will you stop worrying your pretty little head about it, and go try on some stuff I got you?", kneeling on the bed and kissing your temple.

You huff and drag the items to the bathroom. "You didn't even take off the tags!", you call as your eye widen at the first dress you pick up.

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