chapter thirty | everywhere

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Waking up in your room, you can barely breathe. You force you eyes open to see Sebastian lying on top of you, sound asleep. As you run your hands through his soft hair, you smile remembering last night. Being in control for some time was fun, but it was nothing in comparison when he decided what to do with you. You found that as much as you loved seeing Sebastian obey you, you much preferred being submissive, doing whatever you could to please him. You don't think what happened last night would happen again for a very long time.

Which meant you could tease him about it.

After a few moments, you move slightly to check your phone, reading that it was 09:24. Sebastian stirs, your movements disturbing his sleep. He finally rolls off you, only to bury his face under the sheets. "Good morning Seb", you yawn.

"No. It's night. Sleeping time", he groans.

"We have less than an hour, you gotta go get that discounted chocolate remember?", you say as you attempt to get out of bed. His arms fly to your side, and he's on top of you again, without his full body weight this time.

"Why must we conform to this crappy capitalist society? I wanna stay in bed with you today."

You manage to wriggle out from underneath him, Sebastian finally kneeling on the bed as he gives up, seeing that you were determined to go to class. "I thought college kids liked to be in bed one way or another." You push him lightly, only encouraging him to snuggle more into the bed.

"You have to work so we can spend all our money at Disney remember?" He hums a little, watching you get dressed. "Pervert", you smile at him. It was very tempting to not go to all your lectures today, and just lie in bed with Sebastian for hours listening to Fleetwood Mac. But, you couldn't stoop down to his level and be a bad influence.

"You haven't got anything of mine have you? Preferably washed", he grumbles as you walk over to the bathroom.

"Check the bottom drawer!", you call as you put on some light makeup, knowing fully well what was in there. After a while, Sebastian frowns at you through the mirror, but you see he's trying very hard to suppress a wonderful smile. "You like it?"

"'I heart Patrick Dempsey'? Yeah best gift ever Janet", posing a little in the mirror before wrapping you in his arms. "Trying to scare everyone from me?"

"Yeah, cause then I'd have you all to myself. And I wanna be with you everywhere", you mumble into his chest, being careful so your makeup doesn't leave a stain there. "Did you see the teddy too?"

He holds it up to your face. You had seen it one of the shops in China Town, selling little gifts. It was obviously more designed to attract tourists, but you couldn't help walk in when you saw the tiny little thing in the window. It fit in two hands, holding a red heart that said 'I love you'. Tatty and common, you knew Sebastian would love it. "Valentine's was yesterday doll"

"That's not the only day I can express my love for you silly", you roll your eyes. You go to kiss him, but he places his hands on your shoulders, holding you back.

"What did I say about rolling your eyes missy?"

"Uh... that you'd teach me a lesson?", raising your eyes in anticipation for whatever he had planned.

"Exactly. Now, do you know anything about the Byzantium Empire? It's actually quite interesting you know? Cause it was the continuation of the Roman Empire in its eastern provinces after its fall-", you scoff and leave the bathroom, quickly catching on he was about to start lecturing you.

"You're annoying", you scowl at him. He laughing as he puts on his shoes and jacket from last night.

"Awh, were you expecting a punishment from me?", bringing you closer to his body by a large hand placed on your lower back. His other hand pulls up your skirt to absentmindedly draw on the back of your legs. You nod, tugging on his hair a little. "Later on, I promise baby. Gotta get you all riled up first", moving away from you. You mutter some profanities under your breath, Sebastian giving some side eye as he checks his outfit in the mirror.

"Wait, you're seriously going in that t-shirt?", you question as you grab your bag.

"Got nothing else suitable. Plus, I wanna show off the gift my brilliant girlfriend got me. Scare everyone else away you know? Anyway, I'd better run to the store for that chocolate then. See you in class", kissing your lips quickly as he runs in the opposite direction to leave the campus, students and teachers alike pointing at his shirt in amusement, obviously making their day.

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