chapter twenty-seven | aphrodite

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"How was the romantic getaway then?", Scarlett asks as you drag your feet across the floor towards the sofa in the middle of the room, flopping down on it.

"He thought it was a good idea to not bring spare clothes for me. I just had to sit in the car and walk here with a massive shirt and his boxers," lifting up the blue striped shirt to reveal the baggy underwear.

She laughs, "Why didn't you wear your dress?"

"Because he ruined it. He cut it off me!"

"Jesus that's hot. Stop making me feel lonely. Anyway you look great in men's clothes, you should do it more often", patting your knee as she gets up to make you some coffee.

"I thought you said you had a date with someone on Saturday?"

"Fell through cause I felt embarrassed about who I was going with", she mutters, attempting to dismiss the topic.

"Who? You have to tell me!"

"No! Because it's weird!"

"How is it weird?"

"Cause they're one of your friends!"

"Oh. My. God. Scarlett, sit down right now. You're not going anywhere until you tell me", getting up and attempting to drag her to the sofa.

"Get off me! I'll tell you, god, you're set in your ways", swatting you away from her as she pours the hot liquid in two mugs. She spins around, passing you one. "Anthony", she mutters before taking a sip. Your mouth agape, she walks away. "We share a community care class. Both naughty kids."

"It's okay. I tried to go to his place a couple of times for casual sex at the start of the year", you both laugh. "Just... call him, apologise and make plans for tonight! Even if it's just sitting with him, I know he'll enjoy it", you call as you head back into your room.

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A few days later, you're back in the lecture hall in the history building, listening to Sebastian give a lecture on Greek gods. You hardly made notes, as your eyes were trained on his every move, thinking that he was crafted by themselves.

"Why are you making love eyes at Mr. Stan?" Tom whispers beside you. "Are you ill? You've hardly made any notes."

"I'm not making love eyes, I am concentrating on what he's saying", lying straight to his face. Speaking on Aphrodite, Sebastian's eyes scan the room before landing on you, a smile growing on his face as he continues to talk about the goddess of love.

"If you were, you'd be typing furiously away", Tom continues, as you lean on your arm and smile back at him. "Are you going to work or continue drooling over the professor?", seeing that you ignored him and continue to play with your earrings.

"Fine. I need to admit it to you. We're seeing each other, I can't lie to you anymore."

"You're dating him?", a loud squeak escapes from Tom, making everyone turn to look in your direction.

"Mr. Holland, care to share the gossip?" , Sebastian asks, his eyebrows raising, obviously annoyed he's once again distracted him from teaching.

"Uh, I- I- um, no. No Mr. Stan, I'd rather not. I find it highly inappropriate", nudging your side at that final comment.

"Then shut up. As I was saying...", continuing on his lecture.

"Seriously?", he whispers. You nod. "Why would you tell me in the middle of a lecture?"

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