chapter thirty-eight | this love

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"Heya mom! I'm so glad to see you", wrapping her in the biggest hug you could muster. You hadn't seen her in person since Christmas, but you shouldn't dwell on that. At least she was here right now.

"Aw, first year done! Only three more to go sweetie", rubbing your back like she always did to comfort you.

"How's dad?" Since the whole Facebook thing, everything was blown out of proportion. Your mum didn't really mind, and said she understood why Sebastian would make up a fake name. You were pretty sure she was doing that to make you feel better.

"You know what he's like", giving her a look that spoke so many words. He was furious, and stopped picking up the phone, which was understandable. You just didn't understand why everyone else was okay with it; you just told yourself he was of a different generation. Imagine his reaction if said you were attracted to women too.

"Come in, come in. I've done most of the stuff, I was helping Scarlett move out yesterday", helping her make sure that all the boxes got into the storage space until the new year, when her, Elizabeth and Aaron would move in to a new apartment, and then you, Pom and Tom. Anthony found a new group to move in with, but you all agreed to stay in contact.

"Sebastian's been a huge, huge help for me too", smiling a little as you take her to your room. He spins around and grins at your mother, for he was working on carefully removing the posters on the walls.

"Hi Mrs. Taylor. Nice to see you again", shoving his hands in his pockets. Another nervous habit.

"Oh, forget the formalities Sebastian. You've been commenting all over my Facebook, we're past that now", going to give him a hug as well.

"Seb, stop stalking my mother", swatting his arm when she lets go of him.

"Oh Janet, you've always been so dramatic. Y'know, when she found out Harry Styles and Taylor Swift were dating, she didn't leave her room or go to school for about 3 days."

"Mom! Stop interfering when I'm trying to scold my boyfriend!"

"Alright alright! I'll go cellophane some mugs then", holding her hands up as she goes to the kitchen.

"Scolding me now?", he smirks as he leans against the wall. "Scold your mom not me! She added me first!"

"You added her back!", throwing an arm in the air in annoyance.

"True, but she posts so many of your baby photos, it's actually quite cute how much she adores you", cupping your face as you shiver in disgust.

"I was an ugly baby."

"All babies are ugly, sweetheart", kissing your cheek.

"Great way to comfort me Stan", rolling your eyes and trying to stop the smile grow on your face.

"Maria! She's demoted me to calling me by my last name!", he calls to your mother. "She's also been using Facebook to talk and get to know each other", he says as he turns back to face you.

"I can't believe you get on with my mother. This is scandalous, my dad would never let her do this with all my other boyfriends."

"That's cause she knows I'm the best boyfriend you've had, duh", going back to the posters.

Your mother walks back into the room. "Jeannette Elizabeth Taylor, I do not remember raising you to scold your boyfriend for getting to know your mother", her hands on her hips on annoyance. "Let the man be, he has a life outside of you"-

"Uh, it concerns me because you're related to me, Maria Winnie Taylor", you retort.

"I'm more concerned you didn't tell me your full name was Jeannette", Sebastian says when he places his hands on your shoulders to remind you to calm down.

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