chapter twenty-eight | trust

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18+ warning. be wary that it won't go into huge amounts of detail though.

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"You're fucking our professor?", Pom asks as soon as you sit down.

"Tom! You stupid fuck!"

"I couldn't handle myself!"

"I'm never trusting with you with anything ever again", taking a sip from your hot chocolate.

"Did you just have a quickie then?", Anthony asks, smirking at you.

"No, I had a genuine question about my extra reading", showing him the book as you shake your head.

"Oh sure, extra reading", rolling his eyes.

"The staff know. He's not giving me an advantage or anything. Anything he tells me, I tell you guys. Remember the revision we did before Christmas? That was mainly stuff Sebastian gave me-"

"Ew you call him by his first name", Tom says, pretending to throw up in his mouth.

"I think it's pretty sweet. We should support Janet. She trusts us enough to tell us about her relationship, and as her friends we shouldn't be rude about it", Pom interjects, putting her arm around you. "We should respect that and keep it to ourselves though." The boys nod in agreement.

"It's cute how he referred to you as Aphrodite though", Anthony butts in. "But I don't want him to use his age to have power over you", raising his eyebrows.

"You're dating Scarlett, you can't say anything about power dynamics in relationships", and with that he shifts a little in the couch. "I know I shouldn't compare our relationships, but we all know we're being careful."

"Just don't get pregnant I beg of you", Tom says once again, everyone laughing as he sinks into the couch.

You're getting notes from the group on the last lecture, when you all receive an email.

"You guys reading this?" Anthony asks as everyone reads in silence.

"Study abroad right? You guys wanna do this?" Pom says as she is the first to finish.

"The ones in England look so good. UCL, Oxford, Durham, Leeds, Kent... the list goes on", Tom nods. "I definitely want to apply for one of those universities."

"Shall we all apply to the same ones then? I think I'm going to just do a semester instead of a year though", you ask the group.

"Cant stay away from your lover that long?", Anthony says, getting up and attempting to tickle you.

"Fuck off, Mack, you know I hate being tickled", swatting him away from you.

"I think we should do it. Once in a lifetime and all that jazz", Pom announces once you all settled once again. "Professor Stan says we have four weeks to think about it, and come up with a top 5 list to send to him."

"I think I already have mine. Oxford, UCL, Queen Mary's Belfast, Trinity and Ovidius", you say to everyone.

"I've never heard of that last one", they all say one way or another.

"It's in Romania", you shrug. "It sounds nice to go to eastern Europe." You mainly said it because you remembered that Sebastian said he was from Romania. You weren't sure where, but it was the only one from that country on the list.

"I'm fine with those, but would we be able to get in?" Tom says, biting on his lip out of nerves.

"Well, the email says for the ones in the UK, we have to write some essays and stuff, but I'm sure the faculty will help us. We can do it, after all, we do go to a top college in New York", Pom laughs.

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