chapter nineteen | never forget

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major 18+ warning. threesome and underage drinking.

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"Oof, who are- Sebastian!", Chris says as he opens the door and has to catch you. You had been drinking - not a lot, but to the point where you were tipsy. He's let you in - well, you've barged your way in, and you're giggling the whole way to the living room. The two men had obviously been drinking too, with beer bottles scattered across the coffee table, and you noted the redness that radiated off Sebastian's face.

You go over and straddle his lap, peppering kisses all over his face, "Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. I. Missed. You. So. So. So. Much.", kissing his lips in between each word.

"You saw me this morning, silly. You've been drinking", laughing as he tries to push you off him, but you anchor yourself by wrapping your arms around his waist, not noticing how Chris was rising with anger.

"Not that much. I'm tipsy cause I only had two drinks. Hi Chris", turning to flutter your lashes up at him . It was maybe the drink clouding you thoughts a bit, but suddenly you found that Chris was actually a really attractive guy.

Sebastian and Chris both share a look, before finally responding. "Hello Janet"

"Mhmmm, I like how you say my name", snuggling yourself into the crook of Sebastian's neck - he was so warm.

"Sebastian, care to tell me why a student of ours is drunk in our apartment?", his voice laced with anger and concern.

"Oh, of course, you two share me!", you giggle as Sebastian mumbles a half-assed response.

"Sebastian, both your reputations are on the line-"

"You can share me in more than one way you know", you say, quickly scrambling over to Chris, now perched on his knee.

Chris looks taken aback, "Janet, what are you-", he begins, but doesn't push you off him, feeling his heart race as you press your lips on top of his own. In fact, you're the first to pull away, completely embarrassed that you kissed another teacher. It seemed to be extremely sobering, but Chris is eager, grabbing the back of your neck to pull you back in. You yelp in surprise, giving him the opportunity to slide his tongue in easily.

Sebastian is obviously unhappy with watching your tongue battle with his best friends', and a new emotion sparks up within him. "Janet-", Sebastian begins, grabbing your chin, pulling you away and making you look at him.

"How could I forget about you?", kissing his lips to stop his protests. Chris is obviously uncomfortable by the fact he has to watch the two of you make out now, so picks up his bottle off the coaster to see how much he has left. He's caught off guard when you shift yourself to face Chris, still on Sebastian's lap, and kiss him feverishly. With his beer in one hand, he plays with your hair with his other. Sebastian's placed his lips on the back of your neck, shocking you. He take the opportunity to push your tongue into his mouth as a moan escapes, deepening the kiss. His beard is longer and softer in comparison to Sebastian's but you shouldn't be doing that - you should be focusing on the fact you've kissed two of your professors. Wildest dreams.

"God, let's have sex. The three of us, I don't care. No strings attached", pulling away to place alternating hickeys on their necks, letting them think about your offer. You only get a quick yes, and Sebastian's now roughly kissing Chris, his hand on the back of his neck to bring him closer, so you have to move away and watch. It felt so wrong to be turned on by men kissing, but you couldn't help yourself moving up and down Sebastian's leg to get some friction as you watched them.

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