chapter twenty-two | proud

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major 18+ warning. no mention of condoms, so please wrap it before you tap it!

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You've woken up before Sebastian today, purely due to your excitement. You look out the window to see that the snow is starting to slow down and settle, meaning the rest of your extended family will be able to make it out today. You internally groaned about seeing them.

You were a little nervous about that - all the noise in the house and ripping wrapping paper usually made you giddy. Now Sebastian was here, it suddenly changed. You really wanted today to be perfect.

He looks so peaceful when he sleeps, you think, softly stroking his hair. You're still tangled in his arms, with one of your legs hooked by his waist. You loved sleeping next to him, as he radiated constant warmth throughout the night. It didn't happen very often, but when it did, it was pure. You watched him sleep, as if the two of you shared the same bed, you often woke up to him gazing down on you. His plump lips were parted so that he snored ever so lightly, and looked like he was a puppy having a dream. He woke up suddenly, groggy from his late night arrival.

"Do you sleep with curtains?", his voice gravely and slightly annoyed.

"Nope. I like to wake up naturally", giving him a good morning kiss. "Only if I'm on holiday though"

"Crazy lady. Merry Christmas, sweetheart", pulling you in for yet another kiss. He strokes your thigh, and pulls you on top of him. He's deepening the kiss now, and you can feel his cock rub ever so slightly against your thigh. A moan escapes you, which results in Sebastian pulling away.

"If we're going to do this, you have to be a good girl and stay quiet", placing his hands on either side of your face. "You understand me?" You nod in response, eager to have him inside you and fucking you into your mattress.

He smirks, flips you two over before leaning in, his breath fanning your ear, "You listen to my orders so well. I'm proud."

You bite your lip at that comment, as you are already dripping at his words. He moves further down, moving your pants to the side and easily slides two fingers in. Sebastian always loves how he could speak just a few words and you were always ready for him. It was like you had been carved specifically for himself.

With his palm against your clit and two fingers pumping in and out of you slowly, it takes a while for you to come close to your release. He was almost sadistic, wanting to see how long you could go, and watch how your face would contort into concentration, as if it would help you chase your climax.

"Sweetheart, this will be the best Christmas gift you get today", suddenly replacing his fingers with his cock. You wail at the lack of warning, not adjusted to the difference of thickness and the speed he's started at. Obviously hungry for the both of you to feel good. He shoves his fingers in your mouth, and you can taste a hint of yourself. "Will you shut the fuck up?", he hisses.

Soon you're a moaning mess, which is muffled around Sebastian's fingers. He's obviously close, with his eyes drooping down, looking at how your skin in connected in order to chase his release. You help him out by sucking on his fingers, which works, as you've now never felt so full as you have in your life. His movements become sloppy, helping you both through your climax's.

Sebastian collapses on top of you, nearly knocking the wind out of you. "Merry Christmas baby", he keeps on saying whilst still buried deep within you. You feel at ease now you've finally had his cock stuff you to the brim.

"I got too excited, sorry darling", he pants out, kissing your lips softly a couple of times.

"I hope we woke no one up", you say, seeing that the clock read 6:07am.

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