chapter twenty | take it slow

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updated a/n: probably the shortest chapter in this book... even re-writing it, i couldn't think of what else to say!!

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"Janet, could we talk?", Sebastian clears his throat, his hand resting against the door frame as he waits for your answer.

Uh oh. That was never a good sign. Every time someone had said to you those four words, you'd end up leaving upset. You really wanted to make this work, and you didn't want to ruin the dynamic between you and Sebastian. Yes, the sex was really good, but it wasn't always about that.

More than once you had sat together to watch late night TV, laughing with each other about how ridiculous the adverts were. Sometimes discussing conspiracy theories which led to watching obscure true crime documentaries. More often you found yourself doing research on true crime, yearning to spark up a different conversation than "Wanna have sex?" or "Wanna watch TV?" or "How's classes going?"

There was a lot more you could be doing.

"Sure", your eyes following him as he sits down next to you on the sofa, before your fixate them on the pile of books that were across from you on the floor. Stacked high, and they were probably to do with a later module, guessing from the similarities of the titles.

"There's uh, no easy way to put this. We've been messing around for a couple of months, and I've had such an incredible time. And I've been doing some thinking. Um, ah... should w-we take the next step?"

"What?" This was not the way you were expecting this conversation to go.

The two of you are now stumbling over words now, "Do you want to have... a proper relationship?"

You can barely think of what to say, feeling that your words were coming out incoherently.

"I mean if tha-that is what you want. I'm-I'm okay with that", you manage to get out eventually. Pretending as this wasn't what you had been hoping for, for so long, that it was just a fantasy by now. You had told yourself that you would be fine with him just using you for sex, that he probably had other women around closer to his age, and you were just an object.

Well, of course, you were hoping for a little more than an object, but you took Sebastian to be a womaniser, the way he looked. Both of you knew that he was good-looking, there was no denying it. And he did not disappoint in bed. So, you were a little surprised that he was asking for you to be his girlfriend.

"Yeah?", Sebastian looked taken aback by the fact you answered his question. He was expecting disappointment, and you packing your things up very quickly.

"I-I just think... we should take it slow now. Last night was all... a bit too much, and I'd rather keep you all to myself. I don't want to do it again. Let's just revel in each other", shifting your body closer towards him.

"Okay darling. As long as we always remember our student-teacher dynamic outside of this apartment", putting an arm around your waist to bring you closer to him. You sit in content silence, before getting up to make sure you get back to your dorm for when your dad picks you up for the holidays.

"I'd better go. I won't see you until the semester starts, but be a good boyfriend and text me", kissing him passionately once you're at the door. You wanted to say that you'd miss him, but that felt childish now.

"And, you'd better be a good girlfriend and respond. Don't forget about the holiday homework I set either", raising his brows as you leave. "I mean it. I need that evidence to give you those high grades we talked about!", shouting after you as you leave the building laughing.

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