chapter twenty-three | terrible

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minor 18+ warning. teasing.

"Thanks mum for having us round", you say, kissing her cheek as you start to leave. You had spent the last couple of days with them, and boy, did they drive you insane. Sebastian suggested that you two go back to the city.

Your dad didn't like that, saying that you had to spend New Years with family. But that was before your mum told him to stop acting like a child.

"No problem hon. Text us when you're safe", she says, slightly nudging you out of the door. "You two have fun!"

You roll your eyes sightly as Sebastian chuckles at that, waving goodbye at your parents. Glaring at him as he drives off. But it soon settles once Sebastian's placed his hand on your thigh, his thumb mindlessly wandering across the inner side.

"I feel terrible for lying to them. Don't you?", but you only get a hum in response as his hand travels higher up.

Your breath starts to shake a little, and you slightly regret wearing leggings, for Sebastian's touch was coursing through you. Warmth rising from your core to your cheeks as you start to squirm.

"Sebastian", you breath out. Your eyes flicker over to him - continuing to drive as if his hand wasn't pushing your legs apart even further.

Closing your eyes as he dips his fingers down your pants, toying with your clit as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

You whine when he pulls his hand away, squirming as he pops his fingers in his mouth. "Can't wait to get ya home", he chuckles.

"Bastard", you glare at him, unhappy with how he teased you. But the feeling starts to fade away once his hand is back in its place, drawing patterns on your inner thigh.

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"Are you really fucking dumb or something?" Scarlett asks once she picks up the phone. You let out a breathy laugh at that. You had texted her a couple hours ago, explaining what happened over Christmas.

Scarthe entire time you retell her what happened over Christmas, only interrupting once to say "You had sex in your childhood room? You're dirty Janet."

"And now I feel kinda terrible that we spun this lie."

"You mean, you let Sebastian spin that lie."

"And I went along with it", you huff into the phone. "I mean, I really like Sebastian, and I'm just stupid for not letting my family know who I am truly dating. But I feel stupid anyway because he is so much older than me-"

"Listen, you two are stupid. If you are so worried, just... go to the college or something. Yeah, you won't be able to walk around holding hands, no one wants to see that anyway. But at least you'll be able to have some sense of freedom. Like you said, it's all perfectly legal. You two need to knock your heads together."

You and Sebastian's shared lack of common sense made this more difficult to have a relationship.

"But what if I like the whole sneaking around?", you hesitate, biting down on your lip. Scarlett did make sense, but there was still a part of you thinking that would backfire.

"Dumbass, he's going to think you don't want to be with him then! Just bring up the idea with him at least. Plus you'll still be able to sneak around other students. From what you've told me, he's too good to get away. Call him right now", hanging up on you without so much as a goodbye.

If he doesn't pick up, I'll just see him after class, you say to yourself, taking a deep breath before you tap on his contact name to call him.

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You were bouncing your leg all throughout his lecture. He acted like nothing had changed. Like he just didn't spend the Christmas holidays with your extended family and they had instantly fallen in love with him. It had only been a week since you had seen him, but you felt yourself yearning to touch him; this new year look of a shadow where his beard used to be doing inexplicable things to you.

"Before you go, I want to collect the holiday homework from you. Wait in your seats." The plan you came up with was hopefully going to work.

He scans over the piles of pages each time he passes someone, and dismisses them. You sat in your usual spot in the middle of the room, and flashed you a fake smile as he picked it up.

"Disappointing Miss. Taylor. Wait after everyone else", seeing that your papers were significantly smaller than everyone else's, and flicking through the footnotes, most of them were half-finished.

Everyone pours out of the room, after you tell your friends to leave you and meet in the cafeteria. Sebastian strides over and sits on the opposite row from you. "Hi", he says, keeping his demeanour cool, in case there were people still lingering outside the room. You're looking down at your hands, playing with the rings.

"I, uh, wanted to talk. I like sneaking around with you. It thrills me in a way I haven't felt before. But this time off with my family... I don't want to hide you from the people I love. I also want to be able to introduce you as Sebastian Stan, my boyfriend. And you to introduce me as Janet Taylor, your girlfriend. I'm in a bit of a pickle", pausing to look up at him and catch your breath, since you were rambling. He gives a slight nod, telling you to continue.

"I was thinking we should go to the college. Like the committee. And say that we are dating- and-and that doesn't mean it will be on huge billboards but at least we won't have to be worried about being caught by staff. Like, people will know, but we can still sort of sneak around. Does that make sense?", standing to move next to him as he makes a move to protest.

"So you want to sneak around, but people to also know?", screwing his face up in trying to understand what you were saying.

"Alright, you're making me sound stupid now", you groan, earning a chuckle from him.

"I thought you were attached to me", you mutter, folding your arms. "Then you would support my ideas."

"I am supporting your idea darling", he laughs out again. "It just sounds a little... odd."

"Scarlett came up with it actually. I was hoping you would know what to do."

"Two people know already. We'll just tell people who need to know okay?", he says after a few moments of silence.

"I mean, we go to the college staff and tell them we're in a relationship. If they know, they'll just make sure that you don't give me an unfair advantage. We could finally go on a proper date."

He sits there for a while, wondering what to do and taking in what you've just said once more. Thinking about how this would go down with certain colleagues.

"We'll do this properly I guess", he mumbles.

"Exactly", your eyes quickly glancing down to his lips.

"Let me see if I can call the faculty for next week then", getting up from his seat and brushing down his pants.

"Here's the rest of the work Professor", pulling out a massive pile of paper from your bag, the both of you immediately remembering to stick to the agreement of keeping a student-teacher dynamic.

"Thank you Janet. See you next week. You know where to find me if you need me", he calls as you walk out the room.

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