chapter thirteen | slow

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major 18+ warning . p in v !! oral sex !!

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"Welcome to my humble abode", Sebastian says once he opens the door.

It's a Saturday night. You've finished work and decided to get on the metro to Sebastian's place, which wasn't too far. Thinking about it there, it was probably a 45 minute journey to campus, and it was an easy journey to get there. You had texted him on your break, thinking it would be nice to see someone other than Scarlett for once.

hi, it's janet :)

Sebastian :)

Everything okay?

yup, wanted to check if I can come over once I've finished my shift??

i'll bring my notes too

Sure, when are you finished?

Need to find a baby sitter for Chris


find him a blind date !!

Good idea. I'll make sure to wine and dine you ;) 

Well, I'll soda and dine you after some study


can't wait to see you :)

"Managed to find the place easily?"

"Yeah! Not too bad actually. Nice place", you say smiling at each other as he lets you in. There are books upon books stacked all over the place, so much that they would be able to open a bookstore that would rival the one you worked at. There seem to be quite a few rooms in their apartment, and you wondered what the bedrooms would be like. You push that thought out of your mind as Sebastian starts to speak to you.

"Anyway, I have made the two of us a very nice meal. It's just gone in the oven, so we have plenty time to do some of that study." He guides you over to what you assume was the living room. It didn't have as many books, but the ones you could see were laid out were linked in someway to what you had learnt with both your history professors over the past couple of months.

"Wow, you and Chris certainly do have a very comfy couch", you compliment as you both sit down.

"Right. You stop distracting me, and we'll get some solid revision done before the evening starts", smirking as he picks up a book.

You blush a little, thankful for the dim light in the room as you open your laptop. He's leaning over the whole time, reading over your essays and writing down pointers, whilst you condense your notes into flash cards.

You feel kind of helpless, knowing that essays were not your strong point. Shouldn't have taken an essay-based subject, you thought, but still absorbing all the advice he gave you. It's not how you would usually spend a Saturday night, but if its with Sebastian? You could do it whenever he asked you to.

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Before you know it, you're sat at the dinner table, waiting for him to serve you your plate. He wasn't kidding about the soda and dining, as you both have a Sprite in a fancy glass on the table.

This Love. | Professor StanWhere stories live. Discover now