chapter thirty-six | keep her coming every night

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major 18+ warning. going back to office sex & sex toys v3

also, please appreciate the fact i am using lyrics from This Love by Maroon 5 (the song this is inspired by) for the last three chapters :')

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"Hi princess, how was your last exam?", Sebastian says after you drag your feet into his office. He smirks a little as he sees you lock the door, pull down the blinds, walk over to his desk and practically offer yourself up to him.

"I don't want to talk about that. Just bend me over your desk and fuck me until I won't be able to walk out of this office", you close your eyes in exasperation.

"Someone's forward today", he raises his brows at you as he reaches over his desk to drag you around. He places his hands on your waist as you snake your arms around his neck, and kiss the corner of his mouth.

"I'm a girl who knows what she needs", you simply say, a grin growing on your lips. He smiles as he kisses you, his tongue easily taking dominance over you, for you desperately wanted him to ruin you. You didn't care what he did, as long as you felt euphoric every moment of it. He pushes you gently so that you're pressed against the desk, and Sebastian breaks away for a moment to hoist you up, and throw everything onto the floor.

"The exams are scattered all over the floor-"

"Doesn't matter, wanna make you feel good doll", already taking off your t-shirt before taking off his tie and unbuttoning his shirt. It's now become a habit of yours since the Disneyland trip to pepper kisses all over Sebastian's chest, as if it would be ever be enough to show how much you appreciate him.

"You gonna be a good girl and keep quiet for me yeah? Know you can do it, but I think you'll look every prettier with my tie stuffed in your mouth", holding your chin to make you look at him. You silently respond by opening up your mouth, and gag a little when the soft material is bundled up to muffle the erotic sounds he anticipates will happen. You rub your thighs together in the hope of a little friction, becoming incredibly turned on when you see Sebastian open up the draw to reveal a bag of a brand you knew too well.

"I was going to save this until you actually went away, but I thought we should test this first", taking out a wireless couples vibrator, one that you knew was controlled by an app. You had been doing your research too, so you weren't completely put off by the idea. Of course, Sebastian had got one for himself. Dirty bastard, you think.

You hitch up your skirt, remove your panties and open your legs up for him, way too eager to let him try this. He shakes his head as he pulls out his phone to download the app, before muttering, "You horny fucker." You just hum in response.

"Now, you gotta be patient with me while I try and figure out how the damn thing works", he says as he rubs slow circles around your clit, driving you crazy as he looked down at his phone at the same time. You desperately wanted him to look at you, talk dirty or something. But the man wasn't lying when he said he could multitask, and it made your attraction to him even worse.

You almost cry out when he removes his hand from you, wanting him to give you the attention you craved so deeply. "Patience doll. I think I know what I'm doing now", picking up the vibrating toy to switch it on. It has a low hum, hardly making any noise. You nearly fall off the desk when he presses it against your folds, the strength of it surprising you. He chuckles dryly as you grip his arm, your moans suppressed by his tie. You have no idea how he's gonna wear it for the rest of the day, for you mouth clamped down on it in order to be quiet, wanting to make Sebastian proud of you.

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