part twenty-four | snobs

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They've called a meeting Thursday at 7:30pm

If all goes well, Friday we'll have our first date :)

a meeting?

They wanna check I'm not abusing my power or giving you an advantage

It's so stupid, they set it up like we're going to court

who's there?

President, Vice Chancellor, Head of History, and some other random professors

Chris and Scarlett have to come too

it really is like court then huh

scarlett says she can make it

See you on the stand then 333333

have you finally had your first stroke


like this



How do you spin it?


Damn it

Shift didn't work

i'll show you when I see you dummy <3

Okay v3

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You meet Sebastian outside the room he instructed you to wait outside with Scarlett. He comes striding over, Chris following suit.

"Hi, sorry we're running a little late. Chris had trouble in paradise", squeezing your hand in reassurance before heading in.

"Zak got lost dropping me off from his place that's all. You ready Janet?"

You nod, "As I'll ever be"

"Scarlett? You okay? You seem a little pale", he turns around and sees her still in her seat.

"Not great in front of lots of people, I always end up swearing and sweating"

"Come on, won't be so bad. You'll be next to me", you say, going over to offer your hand before you walk in.

It was honestly like a court room, and you thought it was set up for situations like this. Where students should plead if they should stay on at the college if their grades were slipping, so you hoped it would be the only time in the next couple of years you would be in this dimly lit, oak room.

"Miss. Taylor and Miss. Johansson, please sit where it has been indicated", the librarian who who only saw once directed you to a table where name tags were.

"Like a fucking UN conference", Scarlett whispers in your ear. All throughout, Sebastian and Chris were seated on another table to the left of you. Sebastian smiles over at you, in order to give you some confidence. It didn't at all.

You focus your attention to the front of the room. The President, Professor Robert Downey Jr., sat in the middle. He always intimidated you, since he took your interview. You couldn't even tell if what you were saying was correct, for his face was always so stoic. The Vice Chancellor was Professor Cobie Smulders, who was seated to the right of him. You never really met her until now, and she was sat looking at some notes. You think she taught something like communications, but you weren't sure.

This Love. | Professor StanWhere stories live. Discover now