chapter eleven | our fun

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major 18+ warning. bending over desk and praise. wrap it before you tap it!

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Even though you usually told Scarlett everything, you didn't tell her about the kiss. She made a joke about you finally stopping masturbating, but other than that, nothing was said between the two of you about the topic. You had gone about the day on cloud nine afterwards, but you needed a taste of him again the next day.

You hear a muffled "Come in!" after lightly tapping on the door.

"Janet! Didn't think I would be seeing you so soon", he smirks as you walk in. Fuck, he knew what he's doing, and it is absolutely killing you. Suddenly you can't look at him, so turn to close the blinds as you think what your next move was.

You've now walked over to his desk, hoping that you looked confident. "I want you to kiss me again, Sebastian. And I know it's not an ideal place. Just please, kiss me."

He's thinking about it, taking you in. Leaning against his chair before standing up, he saunters over. He's towering over you, and you're fiddling with your hands in an effort to not seem desperate. You were desperate if you were begging him to kiss you.

"Going to have to lock the door before I ruin you, darling.", and he walks past you as if he said absolutely nothing to make you weak in the knees.

You hear a click before you're swiveled around, facing him. It was fast, and everything's a little blurry again, but you can feel how close you two are, and he's not even kissing you yet.

Sebastian is taking in this moment - he wants to hold you this way forever, but he knows that all good things will soon come to an end. So he's taking his time.

After what feels like a lifetime, he locks his lips with yours. It's rough, and he's pushing you back onto his desk, that you break away to sit on it. He's caressing your cheek with one hand, just like the last time, and you almost squirm in pleasure. He's a god, and is amazing at everything he does. His decision to just give in to your pleas and kiss you? Wildest dreams are fulfilled in New York.

You've wrapped your legs around him when he pulls away, "Is this okay?", again looking for any signs of discomfort. Sebastian wasn't the type to just give in to anyones pleads; he always wanted both parties to be comfortable with whatever was happening. Even if it was just a make out. Especially since you were younger; he didn't his actions to influence yours. You should be deciding if it was what you wanted. He could suppress his desires in order to make sure you were okay.

"More than okay", you grin, taking the opportunity to stroke his cheek as he's doing to yours.

He's gone to work on your neck, and you're growing impatient. As great as this was, this was not the reason why you came to his office.

"Then why do you sound so disappointed?"

"Because I want you to fuck me. Right here, right now."

He's stopped in his tracks. Right here, right now? It's awakened something he has tried to forget about for so long when it comes to you.

"No wining and dining?"

"Can't drink anyway", you shrug your shoulders.

"And you're okay with me bending you over my desk, and fucking you until you don't remember your name? Like this?", and he's flipped you over, holding you down by the back of your neck. Your skirt is riding up, and exposing how desperate you want this to happen.

"Jesus fuck", he drawls out. Seeing you like this made his pants seem a lot tighter than they were before.

You're nodding frantically, wishing he would hurry up. He's been teasing you for months now, and you were finally ready to give your all to this man. It wasn't fair how he got you in such a vulnerable position, and you couldn't see his face.

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