chapter thirty-seven | hard to keep her satisfied

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major 18+ warning. scarlett and janet shippers, your wishes have come true ;)

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"Wait, wait, wait. Back up a minute. You're asking if you can have sex with me?"

"Hard to keep her satisfied, that's all", Sebastian adds and smiles a little. It was the final day of classes, so you thought 'fuck it' and asked Scarlett. You and Sebastian had told her a little white lie, instead of telling her that you were bicurious. If all went horribly wrong, then you two could just laugh it off.

"And...both of you are comfortable with that?", she prods on.

"Yep. Anything for Janet really."

"We're just... experimenting at the moment", the sentence slips out of your mouth. You see Scarlett have a moment of realisation, but she doesn't say anything.

"Ah, like a free pass?" The two of you make noises in agreement, trying to play it cool.

"Well, okay", she nonchalantly shrugs before moving over to kiss you. It takes you by surprise, the kiss happening so quickly. Sebastian's eyebrows raises in surprise too, as he was sitting next to you. You almost melt into Scarlett, before her tongue swipes across your bottom lip to silently ask for permission to deepen the kiss.

You grant it, and as soon as your mouth opens a low, long moan escapes you as Scarlett attempts to fight for dominance. She huffs a little when you don't succumb to her at way, so pushes her leg in between your own as a warning. You gasp a little, feeling her knee brush against your middle, as you let her take control over you.

"Come on then", she pants as she grabs your hand before Sebastian's and dragging you both to her bedroom. She pushes you down onto the white sheets, before kneeling on the bed, immediately stripping you of your clothes.

"Wearing jeans today I see", as she peels them off you. You do the same, unzipping the front of her jeans as she works along your neck. She finds the spot that makes you weak in the knees, just under your jaw, and nibbles on it as you mewl in pleasure.

Sebastian on the other hand, had left as soon as Scarlett had deepened the kiss. Scarlett didn't want him joining, but that didn't mean he desperately felt the need to do so. He ignores the feeling, going to sit in your room, surrounded by once again your posters and fairy lights.

He attempts to zone out from the sounds of your moans, because you were so fucking damn loud no matter what, by snooping through the journal you left out, smiling widely when he sees you've made a note of every single interaction you've had with him since September. Admittedly he thought it was creepy, but it was cute. He laughs loudly when he reads 'Mr. Stan had two coffees in class today. He ended up drinking mine.'

You were in a completely different world the other side of the wall. Scarlett's lips looked so plump around your nipple, going back and forth between the two as three fingers pumped in and out of you. You had never been stretched like that before, and the pain was soothed by Scarlett's handiwork. 

"Sebastian's been keeping you away from me for too long", she says as she pulls her hand away from you.

"No, Scar...", you mutter, upset at the loss of skin-to-skin contact.

"Shhh, you're really impatient aren't you. No wonder it is hard to keep you satisfied", moving down to press a kiss against your clit. You moan loudly as she sucks harshly on the nerves, again making you feel weaker and weaker under her body. She pulls away at just the right moment, denying you a second orgasm.

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