chapter nine | lover boy

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"So you guys touched hands for a brief second, and now you're fucking masturbating over it?!" Scarlett always, always, catches you, no matter how quiet you try to be. You had texted her after the interaction, thinking that you would be home alone for a while on the Saturday afternoon. A mistake.

"Go away", throwing your pillow at her and pulling up the blanket further to cover your face. He was your teacher, and you were imagining him fucking you until you couldn't remember your own name almost every night.

"Well I found out the meaning of his name, and it explains a lot. Clean yourself up first."

"I didn't fucking finish, you bitch." She laughs as she closes the door on you.

You couldn't stop thinking about Mr. Stan walking into your workplace, clad in a navy and leather. Not to mention his now perfect beard which framed his perfect face. You expected it to be soft, just like his hands, and that fueled your late-night, or now desperate, thoughts.

"Okay I'm here. What did you want to tell me?"

"Sebastian is of Greek origin, from the word-"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm getting there, I'm giving you context!"

"Well, I don't want context unless its coming from his mouth"

"You want other things from his mouth-"

"Sebastian means...?", you grumble, still annoyed at her.

"Having accumulated a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom or character." Why did Scarlett think it made sense? It didn't to you, and it definitely did not matter - this didn't make you any closer to him. You couldn't exactly spark up a conversation about his name, and that resulting in him completing one of your fantasies.

She takes your silence as confusion, and decides to make even more amusement at your obsession. Infatuation. Crush. Whatever one wanted to call it.

"Of course it makes sense! You're attracted to him because he's older, which means he's more experienced so definitely knows what he's doing, and you two have great chemistry. From what you've told me anyway."

You laughed at her comments. She was always a ray of sunshine, and you were glad you made that judgement on that first day. You couldn't do anything without her guidance, and for that, you were forever grateful.

But sometimes, her ideas were wackier than your own.

"Now, Janet. I'm off to see lover boy since my essays are making me look like I'm flunking. I'll be your secret agent." She runs out the door, and you flop on the sofa, groaning, knowing that she could fuck everything up. You had no time to go after her, as Anthony, Tom and Pom were at the door a few minutes later, ready to work on the project.

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"Janet, you'll never believe what lover boy said to me- oh." Everyone turns to look at Scarlett. She goes slightly red, which you've never seen happen before. She was usually so composed, and seeing her like this was odd. Nice to see that she was human and got flustered and embarrassed like you did.

"Ooooohh, who's lover boy?" Anthony teases you, as he's been doing all day. Passing notes saying things like 'Tom and Janet = Jam <3'  and 'My flat number is 44B, you should visit some time. Preferably at 3AM ;)'. It was more enjoyable to see him verbally bully Tom if you were honest.

"Shut up Anthony, never you mind." Pom interjects. She was the only one who could actually multitask - Tom was looking forward to the study breaks, and Anthony was too busy telling random facts he found on the internet to concentrate enough on the research.

You were now closer to Pom, and hoped that if there were more projects to do with her, or even study, you would be able to do it together. It was always impossible with Scarlett, as you two would just end up gossiping and ordering takeout about 30 minutes in.

Scarlett drags you into her room instead, and you hear from Anthony something along the lines of "Call me if you guys need some help!" You roll your eyes at his crude comment.

"My god, what is so urgent? We have guests! And we're trying to study-"

"Be quiet then. I had a very interesting meeting with Mr. Stan"

You perk up. You had forgotten about that, and hopefully it would calm down the racing thoughts of you needing serious therapy for desiring your professor.

She continues, hardly taking breaths as she rants: "So, I go in, and everything is fine. Asking how my week has been, how I'm finding second year, cause he knows I'm flunking already. He says 'Is everything okay with your roommates?' I say I only have one. 'Who?' And I say 'Janet Taylor'. Something in him changes, like his eyes go wide and he's shifting in his chair. You've been to his office before, its already a comfy chair so why would he need to adjust?"

"Okay, woah, slow down. Take your time. Just tell me the things I need to know. The chairs aren't that important." This was the problem with Scarlett; whenever she gets an adrenaline rush, she just does not know when to shut up, and has absolutely no filter.

"Okay. We end up talking about you. He's doing most of the talking, saying things like 'She speaks beautifully in class.' and 'Have you asked to seen any of her essays? You guys might not take the same classes, but I'm sure she'll be happy to help you if you asked'. I'm thinking, what the fuck is this guy on, she's barley been here three months and he's acting like she's a saint. Which you are, don't get me wrong, but it's a bit weird to hear it from him? Especially since you're only a first year and acting like you deserve a Nobel Peace Prize for your contribution to the academic world or something. Anyway, as your designated person-"

You laugh at that point, and she scowls at you to be quiet so that she can speak. So stubborn.

"As I was saying.... As your designated person, I of course ask him if he likes you."

"You just can't ask a teacher if they like a student, that's against so many rules."

"That's what he said! He goes 'I like all my students equally.' I keep on asking, rephrasing the question, shall I say, until he finally goes, 'Okay. Yes, I do. She's wonderful to have in class. But that's between me and you. Maybe take a few tips from her, she knows when to drop a conversation.' And then he basically ushers me out! The dickhead."

"So.... you got excited about him telling you I'm a pleasure to have in class?" It wasn't something to freak out about; all teachers said that you throughout your education. Maybe knowing it came from him was slightly intriguing. Making you buzz slightly too.

"That's not it! It's the way he spoke about you! I swear, he definitely likes you the same way."

"He does not, you're making this up in your head." You laugh and head to the door.

"Eh, he did lock the door and close the blinds after I left. Just like you do after a history lecture."

You froze. You both knew what that meant when it happened at your flat.

"Just a coincidence", and you return to your books. Scarlett sighs in frustration, later texting you.


i think I'm right. grow a pussy

because balls are weak

and just flirt with him. see how that goes. then make your mind up.

just stop masturbating and get some proper dick

Flustered. That's how you felt after Scarlett's... story time. You knew that it was definitely not a coincidence. Was he masturbating?  Thinking about you too? It was something from your wildest dreams.

You only think that you have to take her advice as you sit back down with the group.

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