Part 28

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Part 28

Yoonji POV

When I read the news about Bomin in the school website, I feel my brain froze. I closed it and I cried with regret. I saw he always coughing and he hold his heart like he was very sick. I am so stupid. If I know it earlier, maybe, I can help him.

[ Author : It was happen in part 2]

Bomin cough. I rubbed his back.

"Are you ok?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"It's fine. I am ok." He said and he hold his heart. It feel so hurt but he forced himself to be strong. Is he sick? I am worried about him.

"How about we go to a clinic?" I said worried about him.

"No! I am fine. Look at my face.I  am fine right?" He said and I look at his face. I can see he endured his pain by surviving as long as he could. I really want to know what is this pain? I have seen this many times but he always said he is fine.

End Flashback

If I bring him to the clinic, I must have knowing about his heart cancer. Why I am so fool..

I sat down on my bed until next morning. I didn't sleep because I feel regretful. I was thinking, should I move to other school like mom said? I think, I can't go to that school anymore because I will always remember about Bomin and everyone will curse me because I have dating other person in my life..

Soobin POV

It was next morning, I went to school with no energy. My throat was not good because I ate ice cream about 3 different ice cream. I didn't care. I just stressed and that's why I ate that ice cream yesterday. I am also bought a white flower for Bomin. My classmate said that they will make a reminded about Bomin at his table. At the same time, I was thinking about Yoonji. Have she eating or drinking? Is she will be alright? Is she will making a right decision after she know all about the truth? There are many questions in my head that I can't answer it.

I went into my class. I saw everyone was crying because of Bomin. I walked to Bomin table, which is beside me. There are many white flower on his table. I put a flower that I bought at the florist shop before I was coming to the school.

I went to my table and I put down my backpack. I sat down on my chair. I looked at his picture on the table. I remember, the last time I meet him.


When I heard that he went home because of some reason from my classmate, I feel something goes wrong. Why he did not tell us the reason? I am so curious.
[ Author : It was happen in part 4 if you did not remember about it.]

When all students went home and only me were in the classroom, I went to his table and I looked for an answer. I looked at his table. I found a picture under his table. I saw a picture of him with Yoonji. I feel jealous with no reason. Anyway, whatever.

I went to his locker behind our class. I didn't know the password. I went to look for our class student book on the teacher's table. I looked for Bomin's password.

"1500." That is easy password. I went to his locker and I opened it. It was boring. There is no book. Nothing was in the locker. He was so good at keeping a secret.

I closed the locker and I took my backpack. I went home with listen to a song. When I arrived at home, someone was standing in front of my house. I thought, Taehyun want to do prank to me. I just walked slowly to him and I did pushed him harder until he fall on the ground.

"HAHAHA~ I WIN~" I said and I saw he hold his heart. I was shocking because he was not Taehyun. I went to him and I help him to stand up slowly. I let him sit down on the bench.

"Bomin! I thought, you are my housemate." I said and I went in the house. I took a glass of water and I gave to him. I didn't know why he was here for suddenly and how can he know that I live here.

I sat down beside him and he gave me the glass back. He took a deep breath and he looked at me.

"Don't push me again or I will kick you in the hell." He said and I smirked.

"If I know that guy was standing in front of my house is you, I will not push you like that." I said to him.


"Well, I didn't know why I look for you. There are many man in that school but I didn't know, why I chose you." He said and I didn't understand what he was talking about.

"Wait a minute. First, I didn't know how can you know my address. Second, what are you talking about? Can you explain it clearly?" I said.

"It was like a fate for you. I know your address because I asked to our class teacher. The teacher send me your address. The teacher gave me because the teacher know that I am a trust student in that school. I hope, it was a good answer, I have give to you for first question. Now, let me answer for second question. I came here because I want to tell you, I will broke up with Yoonji tomorrow." He said and I was shocking.

"Don't said because of me, you broke up with her. Come on, I am a new student and I think, you are coming to a wrong person." I said and I stand up. I was about to walk away.

"I got a worst heart cancer. I have to broke up with her because I have a worst heart cancer. I can be die anytime." He said and that's make me stop. I turn to look at him.

"Wow~ great answer. How can you make a joke about sickness." I said and he stand up. He pointed to his heart.

"It was true. I didn't know how to make you believe me but I really have a heart cancer. I want you to take care of Yoonji after I broke up with her. I will tell you everything about her. For example, what is her favourite drink and where is the park that she will go for a jogging. Don't worry, I really let you take her. I didn't know if I can surgery my heart on the time. I didn't know if I alive or death. It was my fate for not make her love me again. I should not love her.. I am so regret. I hope, she was easy to forget about me." He said and he patted my shoulder.

"What if you are alive? What if you will coming back to get her back? What will happen to me that time?" I asked and Bomin looked at me.

"Let's fight over her. That's all." He said and he leave me with a big car.

In that night, I was about to sleep but someone send me many message. I opened my phone and I was shocking he tell me everything about Yoonji for real. I don't know, he was not joke about his sickness. I am also reminded it. The last thing, he messaged me.

Bomin : 'Please make her forget about me and please again, take a good care of her.'

End Flashback

I thought, it was easy to make her forget about him but nah, it was harder.

After I have done for school day, I arranged my backpack and I want to leave the class but Yoonji's best friends coming to me. It was nice time to talk with them because there is no one in my class anymore.

"Soobin. Can we ask about Yoonji?" Jennie asked and I nodded.

"Sure." I said.

I want to talk with them in my classroom but Dahyun said it was not nice to talk about Yoonji there because many haters in that school will hear our conversation. Jennie and Dahyun brought me to a cafe near by our school. There is not much costumers there. Jennie bought us three cup of latte.

"So, what happen to Yoonji? We messaged her but she didn't answer it." Dahyun asked and our coffee arrived on the table.

"It was a long story." I said.

"Then, make it short story." Jennie said and I tell them everything happen yesterday until make her not coming to school today. Jennie and Dahyun were more worried about her.

"OMG~ Jennie! I think, we should go visit her today! I am very worry about her. How if she make a stupid decision?" Dahyun said worried about Yoonji.

"Don't think that way. I know that Yoonji never think about that way. I think, I accepted if she moved to other school." Jennie said and Dahyun kept silence.

"You are right. Let's visit her after this." I said and they are so happy.


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