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She let out a soft groan, blinking groggily through her eyelashes and pushing her messy locks from her eyes. She lay surrounded by plush white sheets and feather pillows, the noise of early morning birds chirping drifting through her open window. With a seconds confusion, she turned, remembering that shed closed her window before bed last night. Her violet curtains had been pushed aside, window hanging loose, a smug boy blocking her view of the outside world.

Good morning, princess, he smiled, sliding his fingers gently across her cheek. His brown locks were smoothed perfectly atop his head, those heart stoppingly beautiful blue eyes were locked to her own, and seeing her instantly sent a smile to his lips. He was stretched out atop the blankets, fully clothed in a black pullover and tattered jeans.

Kai! she said with surprise, quickly grabbing at the sheets and going to pull them over her exposed flesh, as shed passed out wearing only her undergarments.

Dont, he stopped her, locking his fingers gently through her own and peeling them away from the sheets.

Kai, she flushed with embarrassment. I-dont, she stumbled, completely self conscious of her body.

He silenced her with his lips, molding them gently against her own, moving his hands gently around her hips, his cold rings sending shivers down her spine.

You are by far the most beautiful girl Ive had the pleasure of laying my eyes upon, he sighed, pulling away and pressing his pretty nose against her own, its about time you see that.

Her cheeks burned red, bashful smile tickling her lips but unable to find the right words to respond with. He didnt mean it as a way to flirt, he just genuinely enjoyed every inch of her body, and made sure to keep his eyes only on her face all the while.

Why are you here? she asked after a brief silence.

I couldnt sleep, but, seeing you helps me relax, he admitted. Also, I was hoping we could watch the sunrise together, he signalled at the orange flares coming from outside.

I would love to, she smiled happily at Kai, to which he beamed and rolled to his side so he could face the window. From behind the rich green foliage in the driveway, they were able to make out the ember colors that lifted into the grey sky, like a giant golden red suspending orb being held by an invisible string. The girl pushed herself up a little so she could see over Kai, snuggling into his backside while she was at it. Her arm came around his body as she meshed her own into his shape, instantly feeling Kai go stiff under her touch.

You okay? she asked, sensing his shift.

Of course, he responded quietly.

Good, she breathed into him, watching the sky melt into a soft pastel blue, her hand absentmindedly starting to draw little patterns over the heretics flesh.

His breath hitched in his throat, but he ignored it and tried with all his might to ignore the feeling of her skin against his own, and the smell of soft sugar and honey that wafted off her body, the one he knew by now came from her favorite body foam. What was infuriating was that she didnt even know what she was doing to him without even meaning to.

The girl pressed her face gently against the back of Kais head, her full lips and soft breath skimming over his skin and heartbeat steadily thrumming into his back. Her eyes were focused on the color palette in the sky, but Kais werent, his vision going blurry as he struggled to focus, causing him to release an involuntary growl of disscontempt.

Whats wrong? she asked with concern, peeling her eyes from the sky.

I cant- he said through a raspy breath, his eyes closing, focus.

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