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Y/N. She hardly registered that someone had been talking to her. Her head had been bowed slightly, looking at nothing in particular as she bit down on the end of pen she held in her hand. Her mind had been elsewhere in that moment, her thoughts running wild with the possible outcomes of what possibly awaited her with in the next several hours. Y/N?!

Her head shot up at that moment, her face turning a few shades of red as she found her best friend standing in front of her desk. She could see the small smirk pulling at her friends lips as she finally got her attention.

Bonnie, Y/N said with a small smile. Did you need something? She hadnt realized how spaced out she had been. She couldnt even tell how long Bonnie had been standing there either. She bit down on her lip slightly hoping that Bonnie had just thought she spaced out like she normally did from time to time.

I had come over to see if you wanted to go get some drinks tonight after work, Bonnie said as she crossed her arms over her chest. The smirk still evident in her words. but something tells me you will be be busy tonight.

The words had caused Y/N to brighten in color even more as she shook her head slightly. That obvious? She wanted to shrink down in her seat. She couldnt believe she had agreed to this before she left for work this morning.

Youve hardly left your desk today. Bonnie noted. The hard working woman that is usually zipping around the office like a madman has been pretty dormant today. Plus when I walked in, you were holding that pen pretty tightly for you to be just lost in thought. Not to mention you jumped twice during this mornings meeting. Bonnie looked over her shoulder for a moment before she walked over and closed the office door. What is it that hes got you trying out this time?

I swear remote controlled vibrators were designed by the devil himself. Y/N mumbled as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Ah, so he is within close range. Bonnies brow had raised slightly. When exactly will I get to know the identity of this mystery man that has been keeping my best friend on her toes lately?

The comment of being in close range had made Y/N chuckle slightly. If only you knew. She thought to herself. While Bonnie had known Y/N had been dating someone new and helping get Y/N out of her comfort zone, she never told her anything about who he was. That was one of things she couldnt tell her about. At least not yet.

Soon, She promised. While it wasnt an actual denial or affirmation of her actually getting to meet him, Y/N had to give her something. Her and the Mystery Man still had plenty of things they needed to work out before their relationship could become public like she wanted.

If it hadnt been for the hickey that was displayed just above her collar bone that she had forgotten to cover up when she had came into work one morning, Bonnie would have never known. It left Y/N vaguely answering questions about who she was seeing. She gave Bonnie as little details she could without giving anything away as to who he was or how she had meet him.

Telling Bonnie that he had worked in the same building had been the least of her worries. But today she was beginning to regret that he did work in the same building, let alone on the same floor, as her. He was close enough that the remote that he was probably carrying around in his suit pant pocket was making for a difficult work day with only actually seeing him once today while the staff had a meeting.

She had fought herself several times in the last few hours about leaving her office to go to his and beg him to relieve her of the state of arousal she had been in. She could already picture the smug look on his face that would appear as she had done that and she was sure he would sit there and continue to tease her until she was nothing more than a puddle of need-more than she had already been. The thought had made her shiver slightly. If the floor wasnt filled with several people in their makeshift cubicles, shed have no problem jumping the man the moment she walked into his office.

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