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Just one bad decision.Let me make just one bad decision Her eyes were closed as she breathed in the cold crisp air of a january night ,so late that the starts where shining brighter than ever.They seemed so close ,that she felt like reaching out for them,just to touch one.The moon in contrast was hiding behing puffy gray clouds almost as if ,it didnt want to be noticed,still there,watching everything unfold,yet hidden from everyones sight.A gust of wind hit her face when she felt a warm hand reach out for hers,instantly pulling her close,her body slamming against his with a loud thud.It felt like being in one of those movies,where two people finally realize theyve been in love with each other. That love that makes you feel like youre burning with electricity,tearing up your whole body just by one touch.

Did you change your mind sweetheart?Her mind was clouded,foggy almost, not only from the drinks shes had but from his presence. It was intoxicating.Every move he made,felt like out of a movie,like a ballet dancer,gracefully spinning around in circles with his partner,like birds flying with such majesty.And although (Y/N) wasnt the kind of girl to leave with a stranger,the warnings of her friends always in the back of her mind,yett that night,she choose to ingore them. the warnings.the danger vibe she felt around him.the madness that drew her in. He made her feel like no one ever before.A stranger. Someone she barely knew,could make her world light up in seconds. Ironic she thought. Maybe ill die tonight,maybe its meant to be. Maybe this is who I really am,reckless in a drunken state,making out with strangers in the middle of the night. It made her wonder..about who she really was.Was she like the others?Meaningless?Just another eternity spent ,bound to societies expectations of ones self.

Are you going to hurt me pretty stranger she asked ,hungryly reaching out for him,pulling him closer ,like that was even possible.In the middle of the night. When everyone was sleeping , there they were,staring longing into each others eyes,almost like hungry wolves,like they never experienced love up until that very moment.

Not more than I need to The stranger spoke in a soft voice,the danger vibe almost fading away into the darkness and suddenly she felt like she knew him since forever, since she was a little girl ,still afraid of the dark,except this time he brought light into the damnation she called life.

Lets leaven then she moved her face closer to his ,both of them stopping for moment staring into each others eyes longingly,from both fear and excitement. (Y/N) leaned in, so close that her forehead was resting against his,their breaths shaky but full of hope at the same time.Dear god he thought,there was no point in fighting the thoughts that were going through him,no denying that all he wanted was her.Even if it was just for that one cold late january night.Kai was sure she felt the same about him and he remembered her say just one bad decision as his lips brushed against hers, not innocently, more like a tease but hot,fiery , passionate and demanding,all at the same time.She wanted to pull away not sure of the reason but before she could make any rational decision,she let herself get lost in that moment,her senses seduced and her mind flooded with dirty thoughts of them together somewhere in the woods.

(Y/N) he whispered agonizingly slowly,each letter as to savior them, one by one.He kissed her again ,not waiting for her response and she felt like the world fell apart yet again.It was slow and soft,comforting in ways the world could never be.Kais hand rested below her ear,his thumbs caressing her cheeks as their breaths mingled.(Y/N) ran her fingers down his spine , pulling him closer until there was no space left between them and all she could feel was the beating of his heart getting fast and faster with each touch.


The next thing she remember was him slamming her a nearby car,nearly knocking the wind out of her lungs.(Y/N) hardly had a moment to react before his left hand unexpectedly slouched down to her hip.It settled there and pulled her closer and she inhaled sharply at all the feelings he had given her in the past thirty minutes.She was against his warm chest ,chiseled to perfection.Must he be so perfect?She splayed her hands against it,intending to push him away but instead she left them there, resting against him.Kais breathing started to quicken and so did hers.What was she doing to him?He never felt anything like it before and he started to tremble under her touch.(Y/N) didnt know what had gotten into her but in that moment it felt right.He started nuzzling her neck with delicate kisses,so faint they were almost whispers.Her limp body began to tremble uncontrollably as she felt his lips move down from her slightly angled head.Surprised at the sudden change when she felt him pepper light kisses down her stomach,moving closer and closer to her core with each kiss,she couldnt help but grab onto his hair tightly.

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