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The first time you saw Stefan with blood around his mouth, bloodshot eyes, and his hair all tousled was the day you were going to confess your feelings to him. It had been a year since him and Elena had broken up, and he handt tried to date anyone else. You two had gotten a lot closer since him and Elenas break up. He seemed fine, too. Well, you thought that until you saw him decapitate someone

Stefan! You shouted, eyes wide and watering at the sight in front of you.

Stefan growled in response, lifting his head up off the dead body that he was feeding on. He turned to look at you. His eyes were hooded and blood was all over his face and down his neck. He was barring his fangs, looking at murderously.

You looked at him with confusion and pain, but not fear. You knew he had become the ripper. You had read about it in his journals and he had talked about it briefly with you. He described himself as a monster. Something who people feared, something who he hated. You never understood it, though. You had known Stefan for four years and in those four years, you had only seen him be kind, compassionate, and selfless. Sure, he got angry sometimes and struggled with the bloodlust, but he kept himself in check. As you looked over him, though, you didnt see the monster who he and everyone else - Damon and Klaus - had described. You saw a boy who was lost and afraid, and felt like he had no choice but to feed.

Stefan? You asked softly, walking over to him slowly.

Get away from me! He shouted.

Stef, its okay, you assured, keeping eye contact with him.

No, its not! Stefan exclaimed. He got up, licking up the leftover blood. I said, get away from me! He sped away from you, going out of the cafeteria.

You huffed, turning around and making your way out of the school. You ran as fast as you could, hoping you could catch him. You ran out of the school, thankful that the sun hadnt set. As you walked out, your phone rang in your pocket. You pulled it out, sighing as you saw Damons caller ID.

Hello? You answered. Hey, where are you? Damon asked.

School, you said. What?! I thought I told you stay at home! Damon exclaimed.

Im not a kid, Damon. Im 20 years old, you muttered.

Yeah, well you act like youre five. You couldve gotten hurt.

I can protect myself, you argued. Youre a human, Y/n! He protested.

Yeah, and that makes me less capable of everything than everyone else, right? You scoffed.

N-No, but-

No buts, Damon. You are full of crap.

Hey, this is not my fault! You were the one who disobeyed the orders. What would Stefan say if he found out you put yourself in danger?

Well, I dont think hed really say anything considering he just up and left when I found him feeding on someone, you chuckled.

He was feeding on someone in the school? Damon asked.

Yeah, one of the football players that was in the locker room, you explained.

Damn, hes hungry, Damon remarked. Yeah, well, we need to find him. I-I need to find him, you breathed out, thinking about what you were going to say to him.

What? So you can confess your love to him and make him turn his humanity off? Fat chance of that, he laughed.

You frowned, Yeah, and you thought you would be the one to turn Elenas humanity on, right? But no, it was Matt who was able to.

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