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Oh my goodness, (y/n), dance with me!, Rebekah interlaced her fingers with (y/n)s, pulling her right out of their booth. Gene Austins voice echoed through the bar, the buzzing atmosphere brought a smile onto the girls lips, giggling as they twirled around the dance floor, a cigarette was placed between Stefans lips as he watched the two.

Rebekahs pearl necklace hung low around her neck, her white dress sparkled in the dim light, her Mary Janes clicked against the floor, a sight (y/n) couldnt rip her eyes off.

Rebekah shot Stefan a sly smirk, hands moving down (y/n)s forearms, why dont you come home with us, for another drink?, she whispered into her friends ear, pulling her towards black eyed Stefan. (Y/n) tried to follow her friends fast pace, hoping not to trip over her own two feet, come on (y/n), Rebekah chuckled, pushing her friend into the awaiting cab.

The ride to the mansion felt like ages, the tension in the car grew thicker, (y/n) was seated between Rebekah and Stefan, both had their hands placed on her exposed knees, trailing up and down the silky fabric of her tights. Stefan helped her out of the car, arm wrapped around her waist, visibly gulping as he inhaled the scent of her perfume, the powdery aroma made him sigh.

Sherry?, Rebekah grasped a bottle of the brown liquor, waiting for (y/n) to get back to her, but it seemed as if her friend was totally mesmerized by Stefan. She was biting her lip as he dipped his head down, fingers twirling her strand of hair around, how lovely, the ripper mumbled, fangs gazing his lower lip. (Y/n), Rebekah singsonged her name, shooting Stefan a wink as she twirled (y/n) out of his embrace.

A soft tune fell from the record player, Rebekah began to sway her hips to the music, getting (y/n) to move with her, foreheads pressed against each others, careful not to spill their drinks. Stefan was sitting on the sofa, fumbling around with his tie, loosening the tight knot, eyes not leaving the girls frames once.

(Y/n) felt like she was drowning in her friends eyes, not used to the tingling feeling in her limbs, the way she tried to press herself closer to Rebekah, gasping as the Mikaelson girl pressed a kiss onto her friends lips.

She had never kissed a girl before, (y/n) had never even thought about doing something like this, but the more she stayed around Rebekah, the more she got curious, wanting to experience things with her. Rebekah pulled her in for another kiss, more passionate than their first one, too focused on her to notice Stefan nearing, wrapping his arms around (y/n)s middle, pressing her against his chest.

Suddenly she was standing in the middle of Rebekahs bedroom, still wrapped up in Stefans embrace, how?, she stuttered, shooting the pair a confused glance. Dont worry about it, Stefan sucked on her neck, pushing the human girl down onto the mattress, his black eyes were burning into her frame, she felt frozen on the spot, only gaining control over her body as Rebekah placed herself next to her.

You want this, dont you?, she mumbled, kissing down (y/n)s jaw, watching goosebumps rise on her friends skin. (Y/n)s mouth felt unusually dry, nodding her head yes in a shy matter, eyes switching onto Stefans as he began to unlace her shoes, hands moving up her legs. She couldnt open her mouth, nothing left her lips, besides a few moans, fingers interlaced with Rebekahs, lips moving in synch with her friends.

Oh god, (y/n) gasped, Stefan had pulled down her tights, fingers moving against her clit, putting pressure onto her bundle of nerves, smirking at her. She had never felt like that, (y/n) had always admired Stefan and Rebekah from afar, but never felt the bravery to step forward and do something about it. Rebekah began to help (y/n) out of the dress, fingers tracing her skin, exploring their newfound territory.

Stefan began to unbutton his vest, dark eyes watching Rebekah and (y/n) giggle at each other, lips meeting every now and then, (y/n) tugged on Rebekahs dress, gasping as her eyes fell onto her friends naked chest. Youre so beautiful, (y/n) mumbled, cheeks flushed, fingers trembling as she touched Rebekahs forearms, slowly moving higher, too shy to properly touch her.

Rebekah flipped them around, she was laying underneath (y/n), grasping her hands and putting them onto her boobs, dont be shy, she chuckled. All while (y/n) began to explore Rebekahs upper body, Stefan stepped closer, pulling (y/n)s behind against his bulge. (Y/n)s head snapped back to Stefan, he was completely naked by now, fingers pulling on her panties, (y/n), Rebekah called her name, gaining her attention once again.

She moved (y/n)s hand down to her core, go ahead, Rebekah growled, she slowly began to tug down the panties, biting on her lip as her eyes wandered over Rebekahs frame. A moan spilled from (y/n)s lips, Stefan ran his tip through her folds, slowly thrusting into her heat, stretching her walls around his length. Oh Jesus, Stefan, (y/n)s jaw fell slack, Rebekahs hand moved up (y/n)s neck, tracing her jawline.

(Y/n)s thumb circled Rebekahs clit, trying to focus on her friend, but the more Stefan began to build up his speed, the harder it got. Rebekah was gasping (y/n)s name, urging her on, without breaking eye contact once, (y/n) dipped her head down and ran her tongue through Rebekahs folds, hoping that she was doing the right thing. Youre doing so well, Rebekah moaned, back arched.

Stefans hips snapped against (y/n)s behind, balls slapping against her clit, drawing her closer to her release. She felt tight around him, his instincts were working on overdrive, Stefan kissed up her spine, eyes finding Rebekahs as he sunk his teeth into (y/n)s shoulder. The hiss, that fell from her lips, soon turned into a moan, still licking and biting Rebekahs clit, still wrapped around Stefans length as he drew some blood from her.

The knot in (y/n)s abdomen began to build up, her eyes fluttered close, desperately trying to keep on focusing on Rebekah, with one last thrust Stefan made her tumble over the edge, moaning his name. Rebekah and Stefan both followed shortly after, moans echoed through the room, getting mixed up, drawing out (y/n)s orgasm. Not giving (y/n) any time to catch her breath, before she got flipped around, pulled into another round of exploring each others bodies.

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