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Are you even gonna help, Damon? You called over your shoulder, before resuming making the guest list for Bonnie and Enzos gender reveal party. Only Bonnie knew who their surrogate was, for the protection of their future child and the surrogate, but you were not going to deprive Bonnie of what every mother should have. So you met with the surrogates doctor, via Bonnies permission, and found out the gender of their newcoming baby.

As much as I love Bon Bon, I enjoy watching the process more so than participating. You rolled your eyes and looked over your shoulder to find Damon leaning right next to your face. You jumped in slight fear.

Dammit, Damon! You threw a blue m&m at his face, but he opened his mouth and chewed it. You groaned and he winked at you. He rounded the couch and sat right next to you.

What do you want me to do? He asked, zero mischievous intent in his tone. You handed him your laptop that was on Pinterest.

I need you to find fun gender games for us to play at the party. Nothing too corny, you know how Bonnie is. You instructed. He nodded and got to searching. You couldnt help the small smile that invaded your face at his compliant response. Times like these were when your crush on Damon shined just a bit brighter. You quickly got to budgeting the partys food and drinks.

After getting past the hors doeuvres you felt Damons hand on your thigh. It didnt move after he placed it there, but it made you anxious. Damon didnt really touch people, so feeling his skin on yours was nearly foreign. You fought the urge to pull your blue skirt down underneath his fingers, but hed obviously notice that. You peeked at him from the corner of your eye to see him saving a candy game to your baby shower board. You tried brushing it off, but then his thigh moved to rest against yours.

What do you think about this one? Damon moved the laptop in front of you, but his chest was pressed against your shoulder, and his face was dangerously close to yours. The smell of his cologne invaded your nostrils and you nearly died from how good it smelled.

I, uh, think you should definitely save that. Enzo would really love that one. You offered your opinion, cursing yourself mentally for stuttering. You could talk to Damon just fine when he wasnt in your space. His head turned to directly look at you.

You okay? Your heart is racing. Dont worry about the shower, theyll love it. He offered you a little smile. You couldnt bring yourself to give one back, because he was overloading your senses.

Yeah...yeah I know. I just need a breather break. You put your notebook on the table and swiftly made your way to the Salvatore kitchen. You pulled out your stash of chocolate to munch on when you came over. You allowed yourself to breathe deeply while eating it, trying to slow your heartbeat.

Breather break to raid the kitchen, hmm? Damon raised an amused eyebrow at you, while standing in the entryway. You paused from putting another bite into your mouth.

Snack break, I guess? You shrugged your shoulders with a small smile. He chuckled at this. You popped the chocolate into your mouth before putting your stash back in a high cupboard. I really hope that Bonnie has the gender reveal of her dreams. I had to wrestle Caroline for the duty of throwing this, so she better love it. You laughed to yourself while trying to jump to shut the cupboard. Suddenly there was pressure against your back and Damons hand shut the cupboard for you. You froze as he didnt move.

She will love it, even if I have to find a way to compel her to.

That isnt very um, reassuring, Damon. He turned you around to face him by your hips and you nearly fainted at his close proximity.

Youre stressing over nothing, Y/N. Im stressing over you. You nodded and slipped out of his hands.

Yeah, maybe we should just call it a day. Ill come back to it tomorrow. You made your way to the living room and gathered your belongings. You made your way to the door and opened it, being grateful for being free.

What if I dont want you to go? Damon stood in front of the opened door, holding onto the outside of it. Damn vampire speed.

I think I just need rest and relaxation, you know? You slipped your flats on that stood by the door, avoiding eye contact.

What if I could help you relax? You shook your head and slung your bag over your shoulder, still refusing to meet his eyes.

I think Ill be okay. His hand came under your chin and tilted your head up so your eyes would meet. Now you were trapped into those blue eyes.

What if you liked me and just didnt want to admit it? You were mortified. He fucking knew. Probably the whole damn day and thats why he was touching you! Slight irritation washed over you.

What if I did? How would you feel? You spoke softly.

Id be very happy. Your eyes widened slightly. His lips closed in onto yours. You returned his passionate kiss. His hands grasped onto your hips and pulled you against him as the door shut. You shrugged off your bag and discarded your flats. Your hands went to his beautiful thick hair. He pulled away from your lips slightly. So happy. You pressed his body against the door and used all of your might to help his buttons pop off of his dark shirt.

You knew. You pressed your hands against his chest, pausing to breathe.

Had a hunch. You both proceeded to remove your tops.

Upstairs? You asked. He smirked.

Of course. He lifted you up, so your legs were secure around his waist, and with his speed you were on Damons bed in a second. He held up his body over you and your lips met once more. His lips strayed away from yours and down your body. You lifted your bottom up so he could slide your skirt and underwear off.

Damon, I want you. You whispered, shivering as his fingers trailed down your side. He kissed your inner thighs, while maintaining eye contact with you. He was a master seducer, because the suspense was killing you. His fingers moved to stroke your folds.

Tell me how you feel. He spoke before connecting his tongue with your center. You let out a shaky sigh. His tongue worked expertly on you and you were making noises you didnt know you could make.

Feels, so good. Damon, I love it. Your hips raised against his face and his arm pinned your hips to the bed and he sped up his assault. He hummed against you, making your legs shake in pleasure. You could feel the heat in your stomach building fast, but Damon halted his actions. Damon! You cried.

I just wanna be inside you when you cum. You didnt even notice his pants had come off. He pressed his warm member against your heat. Is that okay? He asked teasingly. You rolled your eyes and secured your legs around his waist.

Hurry it up, Salvatore. He eased into you with a loud groan. Your gripped a bicep with one hand and his back with the other. He began thrusting at a steady pace, being strategic in his movements. When he found a motion you liked he milked it for as long as he could. He gave a particularly sharp thrust that made you gasp and shake.

Oh fuck, Damon! He bit his lip and hit the spot again and again. Dont stop. Shit! He dropped onto his elbows, entangled his hands in your hair, and pressed his forehead against your cleavage.

You feel so good around me, Y/N. He spoke darkly and you arched your back slightly at his next thrust.

Im gonna-

No. Wait. He spoke firmly. You were taken aback slightly. One hand traveled in between your bodies to rub at your clit hard.

How? When it, fuck, feels so good! You cried his name, desperately trying to not release. You gave up some of the pressure by contracting against his member inside of you a few times.

Youre a vixen. Squeezing on me like that. He kissed your breast softly before proceeding to suck on the skin.

Damon, please. You begged. He let his lips kiss up your jaw to your ear.

Give it to me. After one more thrust into you, you let your climax come over you. Your hands wrapped around Damons back as his shook him. You kissed his forehead as his thrusts slowed. Once he stopped he pulled slowly out of you, both of your staring in amazement at the arousal you both produced. He took your hands and brought you to sit up. Wanna take a bath? You smiled widely.

Only if we get to be together now. Damon smiled and kissed your lips slowly.

Oh yeah, youre mine now.

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