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"Hope we'd better get a move on if we don't want to be late." I called out to my best friend. Hope and I had been best friends since we were five. So of course I knew about her family, I myself am a heretic. Fresh one at that, Hope's mom is very close to my own resulting in us being close. Now Elijah was the one who was around the most. Rebekah just bounced back and forth, and then there was Kol. He seemed to start coming around more when Hope and I got older. I will admit that he is very attractive but technically he's Hope's uncle and I feel like things were be weird between her and I. Although it's not like he would like me anyway, "Hello Darling." I heard from behind me and I turned around revealing Kol and not Hope who I was expecting. "Where's Hope?" I asked curiously, at this point there was no way that we wouldn't be late. "My dear old brother needed her to attend to something. Shouldn't be long now but until then I thought I'd keep you company." He said with a smirk, "Why?" I asked but it came out harsher than I meant. He raised a brow at me, "Is it a crime to want to be around a pretty girl?" He asked, "I suppose not." I stated. Wait he just called me pretty? When people were around Kol usually acted as if I didn't exist. Sometimes I actually wondered if I had cloaked myself, he avoided me like the plague. "You know there's just been this thing clawing at me." He said and my ears perked up. "What's that?" I asked him curiously, "You see you make me feel this type of way." He explained, "That could mean a number of things, Kol. Care to elaborate?" I asked, did I make him want to murder or hug puppies? "I believe the term I'm looking for is smitten." He said taking a few steps towards me. Did Kol Mikaelson just say that he was smitten with me? "Wait you are?" I said and he chuckled with a nod. "I thought you hated me." I said relieved. "Why would you think that?" He asked as he took another step towards me and my back hit the table as I backed up. His fingers rested on the table on either side of me, "Well it's just that you ignored me?" I said as if trying to jog his memory. "Well I like to think of myself as a confident stud but you seem to make me nervous." He admitted, "Nervous? I make you nervous? Do you hear how fast my heart is beating?" I asked and he chuckled once again. "Is it safe to assume that you may also be smitten with me?" He asked trying to sound cocky but there was a hint of nervousness in his voice. "I believe it would be safe to assume that." I said looking into his eyes that captivated mine. His eyes weren't looking back at mine, his eyes were focused on my lips. Without warning he smashed his lips against mine. My hands immediately flew to his hair as his arms wrapped around my waist. His lips were just as soft as I had imagined, his lips meshed with mine. It was messy and fast but neither of us minded. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he used his vamp speed and ran to his room. Once the door was slammed shut my back was pressed against it. He had kept me pressed against the door as he pulled away from the kiss and ripped my blouse open. Hope and I go to a very prestigious school and we wear uniform and that's where we were going. In the moment I didn't care as I heard the buttons hit the ground. "My god." He gushed as he stared at my chest. His lips attached to my flesh that wasn't covered by a bra. He sucked harsh purple marks that healed in seconds, but that definitely didn't deter him it only seemed to motivate him. He dropped me to my feet and he looked down at me licking his swollen lips. You could cut the tension in that room with a knife, he grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled it over his head revealing his toned body. My mouth watered at the sight and I almost let a moan slip past my lips. He smirked at me as he cupped my face gently and pressed his lips to mine. This kiss was a lot different than the first, this one was slow and full of care. But I could tell that, that wasn't cutting it for him. He flipped us around and sped us over to the bed before pushing me down on my back. In the moment it only seemed like Kol and I were the only ones in existence so went he took my bra off and sucked on my nipple I didn't think twice about moaning out his name. "That's what I like to head." He mumbled against my skin. At this point my panties were soaked and my clit was throbbing. Kol reached his hands under my skirt and hooked his fingers in my panties and pulled them down painfully slow. He pushed my legs apart and I literally saw his cock harden in his pants as he saw how wet I was. "A sight for sore eyes." He chuckled as he leaned forward pressing his lips to my neck, his clothed core grazed against my pussy causing me to buck my hips for more friction. He groaned against my skin, "I need you." I whispered, "What was that? I didn't quite catch it." He said with a smirk. That bastard damn well heard me, "I need you!" I moaned, "Please Kol." I said almost inaudible but he heard me, he unbuckled his pants and pushed them halfway down his legs. He held both of my thighs as he positioned himself at my entrance, I felt the tip of his cock and I involuntary bucked my hips forward. "Fuck." He groaned as the head of his cock entered my tight pussy. He couldn't hold himself back any longer, he just pounded into me. My hands clutched his biceps for dear life, my eyes were squeezed shut that I hadn't even noticed that I was siphoning from him until his hands pinned mine above my head. "Oh my god!" I moaned out, there was this overwhelming amount of pleasure rushing through my body. "Open your eyes!" Kol groaned and my eyes snapped open and met his dark ones. "Kol." I whispered feeling myself close to the edge, "Say it louder!" He moaned as he continued to pound into me, "Fuck Kol!" I screamed out as that little string inside of me snapped and I came, clenching around his hard cock. "Christ." He muttered as he came, he and I were both panting messes. All I could hear was the sound of my blood rushing, meaning I didn't hear when Hope burst through the door. Kol was still inside of me as we both heard her Gasp. Kol quickly pulled out of me and I quickly gathered my clothes putting them on as fast as I could, I held the front of my shirt together since Kol had ripped the buttons off. She covered her eyes and screamed, "Gross." She muttered. "Is it safe?" She asked, "Yeah." We both said in unison, Kol and I looked at each other nervously wondering if we had just ruined everything. Hope uncovered her eyes and we both looked at her, I opened my mouth to apologize but Hope cut me off. "Finally." She said looking at the both of us, Kol and I looked at each other totally confused. "What?" I asked, "It was so annoying the way you guys would pine over each other. Bekah and I had a bet looks like she lost." Hope said with a smile, "But this is still gross." She turned to leave, "I have another shirt in my room you can borrow. We're late." Hope said exiting the room, Kol and I just looked at each other trying to comprehend the situation. "I think I have to go." I said tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, I was suddenly all nervous. He stood up holding the sheet to his lower half as he walked over to me. "Eight." He said and I raised a brow, "I'm taking you on a date." He said with a smirk as he looked up and down my body. I nodded and he pressed his lips to mine, "Stop making out! We need to leave!" We heard Hope yell and we both laughed.

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