Chapter 1

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She was vaguely aware of Genya trying to catch her attention. Of Zoya tapping her on the shoulder. Of the King and Queen gossiping amongst themselves. But her narrowed blue eyes were on the raven-haired man standing a few meters away from her, who looked way too indifferent, and by what she could hear, with a heart that was beating too fast for him to actually be this indifferent.

Genya and Zoya shared a look behind Amina Zakharov's back. After an entire childhood of knowing her, they had seen that expression on her face before. The one when she's trying to figure something out. It just so happens that tonight the target of her attention was General Kirigan himself. The Darkling, The Shadow King, The Starless Saint. He's been through hundreds of names. Although, the only living person to ever know his real name is his mother, Baghra. That was why, for the love of all Saints, he didn't know why he had told Amina of all people his real name. Alexander. Sure, he might have known her for a long time but so had Genya and Zoya. Even Ivan. He didn't even know where the urge came to him from.

They were standing in the war room, earlier that night. She was just standing there next to him along with Ivan and Fedyor, her brows furrowed and her blood-red lips slightly parted in concentration. Her brown hair fell in natural curls delicately framing her face. He thought she looked ethereal. She was only half ready for the ball later that evening when he had called her to the war room. Genya had been doing her hair when Amina heard a knock on her bedroom door.

"Come in!" she yelled.

She listened to the door open and looked to the side, interrupting Genya's braiding of her hair. Ivan and Fedyor came in greeting them with a smile which Genya was startled at. Fedyor always acted like a sugar-high monkey but Ivan never smiles at anyone. Well except Amina and Fedyor that is. Ivan seemed to have a soft spot for her, treating her like a sister, so much so that one would think they were actually related, had it not been for Mina's brown hair contrasting with Ivan's dirty blonde.

"General Kirigan has requested our presence immediately" Ivan proceeded.

Genya looked about ready to strangle The Darkling himself for cutting into her hairstyling so Amina hurried to find some common ground.

"Can I come after I finish getting ready? I'm not even fully dressed yet"

"Sorry Mina, but the General's orders were to get there immediately."

She groaned, sending an apologetic look to Genya who huffed and flopped onto the bed, glaring at the floor.

"Don't worry Genya, I'll be back in time to get ready for the ball. And if he doesn't let me go by then, I'll stop his heart myself."

Ivan shared an amused look with Fedyor. They both knew that their leader would most likely allow her to stop his heart and then proceed to say 'thank you' if she ever decided to do that.

She squeezed the red-haired girl's shoulder before fixing her robe so she was completely decent and linking her arms with both men and walking out the door.

When they finished their walk to Kirigan's private quarters, Amina threw open the doors with flourished hands and walked in, winking at the Shadow Summoner standing next to the mahogany table.

"Good evening, Kirigan. If you wanted to see me so late at night, you could have just asked."

No one even batted an eye at her comment, already used to her flirty nature. That was just the nature of their relationship. Flirty banter. She would flirt as much as a person possibly could and he would act annoyed, and like he didn't know why his heart beat faster around her. They were always quarreling like an old married couple. Practically everyone in the Little Palace could see that the General was absolutely smitten with the Heartrender. Except apparently said Heartrender herself. She doesn't recognize that the way he looks at her, is the exact same way she looks at him. Full of love.

As a group, they walked into the connecting War room. The truth was that Aleksander just wanted to see Amina, they didn't truly have anything to do tonight. He just spewed nonsense that the two male heartenders in the room were too afraid to call out. Amina, on the other hand, had absolutely no filter whatsoever.

"All that you've just said, is pure bullshit. I hope you know that" she mused.

Ivan's eyes widened as Fedyor choked back a chuckle. Aleksander himself had to suppress a smile but managed. He noticed how she looked to be almost glowing under the sunset lighting. The small smirk that was placed on her lips did things to him that he wasn't going to admit. He all of sudden, had a strong urge to be alone with her. Not to do something sexual but purely to enjoy her company alone.

"Leave us" he commanded.

Fedyor had to quite literally drag Ivan out when he was reluctant to do so. He wasn't afraid that the General would hurt Mina but he was afraid that they would do something sexual, and that was the last thing he wanted to think about. He knew that Amina was a grown woman and not a child anymore but he'd be damned if he ever let a boy come near her until she's fifty.

When it was just them left in the room, he fully turned to face her. They locked eyes for a moment, both refusing to look away and he swore he melted into a puddle right then and there.

"Aleksander" he breathed out.

"What?" she asked, confused.

"That's my name"

She didn't know how to react to that, so she simply ignored the butterflies in her stomach and took a few steps closer to him. She leaned up until he could feel the ghost of her lips against his ear.

"What a boring name, darling" she mused.

She leaned back, her smirk widening at his gawking face. And with that, she turned on her heel, strutting out of the room. He swore he just fell more in love with her.

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