Chapter 16

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Aleksander was sulky. He had been for a few days.

Zoya had been whining about how she wasn't getting enough time to spend with Cassiopeia. So she suggested Cassiopeia come with her when she left to visit her parents. Apparently, 'she doesn't spend enough time with Aunt Zoya'.

Aleksander did not want to part with his daughter for that long but Amina decided some time away from the Little Palace would be good for the child.

The night she accepted, she came back to their bedroom submerged in darkness.

Well, he couldn't be too mad because now he and Mina get a week of alone time. Therefore he had the brilliant idea of proposing to her. He had everything set up for later that day and he thought it would be spectacular.

Currently, they were sitting in the war room, devising tactics for the Second Army.


She hummed in acknowledgment.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"I didn't say it to hear it back, I said it to make sure you know"

She swore she was ready to marry him right there and then. So she told him that.

"Marry me"

He shot straight out of his chair.


"Marry me"

"Sure, but traditionally, aren't the men supposed to propose to the women?"

Amina shrugged. "None of the things we've done together can be classified as traditional or elegant, for that matter" She answered.

"But if you want to heal your broken ego, you can ask me, I guess."

"There would be no need for that. Ever since I've met you, my ego has been non-existent."

"You know? I already figured out you'd propose today."


"Your an open book written for very dumb children" she deadpanned.

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