Chapter 33

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Amina felt Aleksander moving around in the bed but didn't feel his shadows put the lights out. She also felt the blanket move around a lot, so she grabbed her end of it and gave it a firm pull.

"You're stealing all the blanket!" General Kirigan complained.

"I am not! You're shuffling around a lot, that's all."

"You are! And I'm cold!"

She released the blanket, heaving a sigh, but Aleks used her movement to properly steal the blanket this time, pulling it off of her completely.

"And who's stealing the blanket now, huh?" she complained, turning to him again with a glare.

"Not me," he grinned mischievously.

"Aleks, it's late..."

"I'm just getting comfortable."

She tried to pull on the blanket again, but he was pulling harder. And the more he was going at it, the more annoyed she became.

"Aleks, I want to go to sleep."

"Alright, I'll give you back the blanket in exchange for a kiss."

"You don't deserve one."


"You're so annoying..."

"I love you too, darling."

"Give me that blanket!"

"Give me a kiss," he repeated, an annoying cheeky grin on his lips.

And when he was like this, there was no way she would give in. It would be a violation to her entire moral code to 'surrender'.

"I don't like you enough for that."

He frowned in outrage, his mouth falling open.

"What do you mean you don't like me? We're MARRIED!"

"Don't remind me..."

"Come on, give me a kiss."



"NO! Back off!" she replied with laughter distorting her words, but she simply couldn't hold it back any longer.

He moved to wrap his arm around her waist, with the same shit-eating grin plastered on his face, and he was so annoyingly cute, it was almost unbearable.

Mina tried – at least a little – to push him away but he was way stronger than her, and he had no trouble pushing her onto her back to lie on top of her, making sure she couldn't move at all.

"You're heavy," she complained, heaving a sigh that she purposefully made more annoyed than she truly was.

"You're kinda hot when you're mad, not gonna lie..." Kirigan replied.

"Stop flirting with me, it won't work."

"Of course it works, it made you marry me!"

"Hmmm... yeah, forgot about that."

He brushed his nose against hers, and if there was any annoyance left in her body, it vanished under the tender gesture.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too. Even if you're annoying."

"You mean charming."


"Charming. That's what you meant."

Before she could fight back, he was leaning down to press his lips to his, and really, how could she argue against that?

"Right... maybe a little charming," she yielded.

"Hmmm... yeah, very charming."

"Don't push it."

He chuckled, almost giggling while he dropped sweet pecks to her hairline.

"I'm tired," he mumbled against her forehead, holding her closer to him.

She softly stroked his back in a soothing gesture, and she felt his muscles relax under her touch.

"We should go to bed, sweetheart."

"Hmmm... yeah."

"Come on, you're too heavy, we can't sleep like this."

"Sorry," he laughed, rolling to his side of the bed again.

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