Chapter 27

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Nikolai woke to find Zoya sitting at his vanity, already dressed and braiding her hair. He dragged himself across the expanse of his bed closer to her and watched her in silence for a few moments before asking,

"Are you Grisha?"

Zoya's hand paused mid-braid, fingers curled around dark locks of hair. She narrowed her eyes at him in the mirror.


"I said, are you Grisha?"

"Do not," she warned.

"You must be a Squaller because you blow me aw-"

The sentence was cut short by a pillow that a gust had whipped from the bed and thrown straight at his face. Zoya had had to drop the hair from one of her hands to accomplish the feat, and now she shook out the partially completed braid to begin again, sighing dramatically in the process.

"I already told you I like you, Nikolai. You can stop with the pickup lines."

"They worked the first time."

"No, you taking care of Cassi worked the first time."

He threw a hand over his heart.

"And here I thought you liked me because I was the best-looking person in all of Ravka."

"You aren't even the best-looking person in this room."

She finished her braid and settled a silver-beaded headband over her hair before she turned towards him. She was spectacular in blue, as always; the sapphires in the headband perfectly offset the embroidery of her kefta.

"Why do you never kiss me sweetly in the morning, Zoya?"

"I do nothing sweetly, your highness."

He loved her.

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