Chapter 6

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She was awoken by a sharp cry ringing around her room. In an instant she was by the crib, picking Cassiopeia up and humming a soft lullaby under her breath to calm her down. She heard hurried footsteps coming towards her room along with a familiar heartbeat. She wordlessly lowered Cassiopeia's heartbeat, calming her down just as Aleksander came in. He was wearing, unsurprisingly, black sleeping clothes with his Kefta haphazardly thrown on top. His hair was going every which way which she found quite cute.

"Is she hungry Mina?"

"I think so. I just lowered her heartbeat for a little until I got some food."

"Do you want to go to the kitchen to get some milk?"

"Alright," she accepted, walking out the door.

He rolled his eyes at her carelessness for her own health, grabbing her kefta on the way out. She had been in such a hurry to make Cassiopeia comfortable that she forgot to get her kefta to cover her thin nightgown from the cold night breeze. He rushed out after, briefly taking Cassiopeia so she could slip her kefta on. He softly guided her hand to the crook of his elbow when she reached to take the child back, wanting to hold Cassi for longer.

As she gazed at him, she couldn't help but think that he suited fatherhood. He was just so soft and caring with her- their daughter.

When they had finally got to the kitchen, all the servants were asleep so Aleksander handed Cassiopeia back and looked through the cupboards for a bottle and formula. She could tell that he had probably never stepped foot in the kitchen because he didn't know where a single thing was along with the fact that they only had a few baby bottles that were newly brought in, not being used to having any babies in the Little Palace.

She heard him let out a sound of triumph as he found what he needed, making the bottle and handing it to her. She took it from him, lowering it to Cassiopeia's lips. She looked at her with a smile as her eyes slowly closed. If she just took a second to look up, she would've seen Aleksander with a grin on his face, watching her.

Cassiopeia | General Kirigan x OCWhere stories live. Discover now