Chapter 26

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Zoya loved it.

She loved how Nikolai was always surprised by her. How he openly flirted with her. 

At first, she denied it. Not even thinking about the possibility of liking him back. But then all her resolve flew out the window when he took care of Cassi.

He was just so soft and caring around her. 

She knew he liked her. She knew she liked him. But she wouldn't tell him that yet, she decided to drag his misery out as long as she could.

Which is what lead him to constantly try to impress her. Like right now.

Zoya and Nikolai had taken Cassiopeia outside to the courtyard for some fresh air. 

"You know, I'm an expert at identifying birds?" Nikolai told the other two.

"Okay, what about those flying over there?" Cassi asked.

"Yup, they're all birds."

Zoya laughed out loud at his response.

He watched, absolutely enamored, as she threw her head back, white teeth glinting in the morning sun.

Cassi smirked, identical to father, as she could hear Nikolai's heartbeat speeding up as he looked at her aunt. She slyly slipped off to her grandmother's hut, giving them some time alone.

"I like you," he blurted out.

Zoya's head snapped to his. She knew it would happen sooner or later, just not this early. She sighed.

"I like you too."

His eyes widened at her casual confession. But the smile that took over his face could rival the light of the sun. She then pressed a lightning-quick kiss to his cheek.

"If you tell anyone about this, I'll blast you out the window," she threatened.

"I'd be disappointed with anything less."

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