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24...28...32...34...36...38...40 weeks.

It seems that the 2nd half of Evelyn's pregnancy flew by. Maybe that was because I was busy with work, the kids were in school or because we moved in together.

Zak hasn't talked to Evelyn since we announced the baby. And while it first bothered Evelyn, I think she was a lot more relaxed by losing him.

With the due date passed, Evelyn was growing more and more uncomfortable. Dallas wasn't coming any time soon.

Every night, Ev would get up, go to Dallas' nursery and rock in the rocking chair. She probably was bargaining with her son about when he'd arrive.

Everyone was on their toes waiting. Evelyn was growing impatient.
Aaron was coming over today to visit. He knocked on the door and I answered. I walked him to the couch where Evelyn was.

"Hi Ev."

"Hi Aaron. How are you?" She asked trying to make herself comfortable.

"Still pregnant, huh? I'm so sorry."

"Yup. Still very pregnant. I just want him out of me." She said frustrated.

"I know lover. I know. He will be here soon." I said as I kissed her forehead.

"Have you guys done all those things that are supposed to jump start labor? My sister and brother in law did and their daughter was born a day later." Aaron suggested.

"Nope. Haven't done that. Will probably look it up and make Jay spend the day helping me with all the things. All I know is I'm almost two weeks overdue and this little dude needs to evacuate ASAP. I'm really not trying to get induced, I swear to God."

"Well if that's the case, I should probably let you and your baby daddy get to work then. Call me if you need anything and I hope for your sake, you aren't pregnant the next time I see you." Aaron said.

His visit was short but he was right, we needed to get to work and get Dallas moving out STAT.

As I Am (Part 2 of There You'll Be)Where stories live. Discover now