Chapter 34

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Magnus has come to escort me somewhere. For some reason he is keeping his distance and I know it isn't because he is scared of me. His jaw is tense and he really seems like he doesn't want to be anywhere near me. Normally I would welcome the distance from my future abuser, but shouldn't it be me that is the offended one?

We walk in silence and along the way I attempt to reach out and feel Christophe. He must be near, so why can't I feel him? Damn my father and his negative energy. Our meeting had been better than I expected, and it was also good to know that Magnus wasn't going to throw himself at me. Of course I doubt either of them will want me to deny him forever.

It made me sick to my stomach. As we pass room after room, I am shocked at even my acceptance of the situation. Maybe it was the inability to fight it. I have to admit, that when my mother told me her past, that I made a brief judgment on why she never fought harder. She was one of the most powerful women in history and yet she was abused so terribly. Was my fate the same? Would I end up becoming a play thing for every Enki passing? I could cry. I wanted to. But what good would it do. I could do what my mother didn't. Take control of the situation. Deal with it on my terms. Rather than eventually being forced into it.

When I first stepped out of the car and into Hornwood, I never imagined I would have to deal with so much. I was 17 for goodness sake. Why was I being forsaken? Surely if I was the one so blessed by The Mother, then I shouldn't be so bloody unlucky. I notice in my contemplation that Magnus has been looking at me. I blush thinking that somehow he can hear me despite the energy ban.


"You were the one looking at me?"

"And now you are looking at me. So what is it?"

"Can you hear my thoughts?"

"No, no one can, not even Tharn."




"Now you are being annoying".

"Of course, it is all along me being the annoying one. Maybe you should just let me go. Least you'll be able to maneuver without being afraid to bump into me".

"Nice try little girl".

"Very patronising Magnus".

"Its only what you deserve".

I stop in the middle of the hall and square up to him. He attempts to back up but there is a wall behind him. I point my finger right at his chest.

"I DESERVE this? Really? You believe I pray every night wanting this? Damn it Magnus if I had my powers I would obliterate you into oblivion".

When I am finished screaming he starts to smirk.

"What now Magnus, isn't it enough that I am annoyed, now you must mock me. Are you that selfish? I mean what did your parents do that was so wrong that you ended up like this. Some savage beast!!!"

He instantaneously grabs my throat and squeezes. He grips enough that I gasp for air. Unsure what to do I freeze. Eventually he let's me go and I regain my breath.

"You know nothing of my parents, nor my past. Don't you dare make assumptions about me girl. You think you've got it hard do you? You think your life sucks? Grow up. This is life. Its eat or be eaten. Its Enki or human. Do you think I enjoy this? Do you think that I would want you? I am being used just as much as you are."

I am stunned. I had hated him for so long that I didn't realise that perhaps I wasn't his first choice. I don't know why but if didn't make me feel great that Magnus was just as much not into this situation as I was. I thought I had the moral high ground, and now he acts as though he is disgusted with me.

Why was he so antsy anyway. All I asked was what had his parent done for him to turn out this way. Clearly I hit a nerve.

We reach a set of thick wooden doors and Magnus stops. He effortlessly pushes the two doors open to reveal a stunning room that was very much like a posh suite at a hotel. In fact it was exactly like a hotel. I turn to face Magnus.

"What is this? My prison?".

"I think that it would be a very good prison. It is your room for the foreseeable. Mine adjoins it. The door over there links them".

I cringe to think that he can sneak into my room at any point.

"What if I decided to sneak into your room and strangle you in your sleep?"

Magnus shakes the keys in his hand.

"Sorry, it only locks and opens with the one who has the keys".

I frown. Great.

"So I guess I'll never sleep?"

"Thats the hope".

I cringe again but Magnus seems to find it amusing.

"So I have the room but I have no clothes?"

Magnus points over to corner of the room and I see a familiar bag. It's the first time I have been excited in, well, a long time.

I grab my bag that I came with to Hornwood and I hold it close to me. Finally I cry. It doesn't even matter that Magnus witnesses this moment of weakness. There is silence whilst I hunch over and cry. When the sobs end I stand up and am surprised to see Magnus is still standing there. He looks at me but doesn't speak. I don't know what he is thinking but I knew that look. It wasn't pity. It was understanding.

He walks over to the adjoining room and unlocks it.

"This door will stay locked. It will stay locked."

He opens the door and walks into the room, but he pauses and turns.

"When you first met me? Did you like me?"

What an odd question. Did I like him? I had then. I had kissed him.


He doesn't say anything. He just nods.

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