Chapter 29

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"You must know that your father is a master manipulator and will always be one step ahead of you. I thought that he loved and cared for me, he certainly acted that way. He treated me like the Queen I was and having been travelling this world alone for hundreds of years, I felt like he would be the perfect partner. My neolithic king. He had lived on this planet for so long and had such a deep understanding of the human race as well as our own that I believed he was a force for good. He partnered with me in the belief that we should keep ourselves secret and protect the Earth, as was our duty. Together we put a stop to many Enki that would seek to exploit humans and animals for their own gain. We were a team, a tribe. But then it went wrong..."

I was blown away with what had been revealed to me so far. Some things I have experienced, the part where my father was a master manipulator. What I didn't know was that he was neolithic. I think that my childhood seems ages away and yet here is my father living 3000bc years ago. I couldn't help but be slightly in awe of all the knowledge he must have, or like me, did he only have brief memories to enlighten his past.

My mother clearly loved him even if she doesn't say it out loud. What went wrong? I needed to know more.

"I do believe that your father did love me... for a period of time. He became obsessed with our race and its growth. Around about five hundred years ago it became apparent that no Enki we had come into contact over the years had successfully conceived. I had known your father for about two hundred years and it had never happened for us. It became your father's mission to discover why. It started of harmless enough. He would keep scientific journals of all the Enki we met. He would ask them for blood samples, nothing too evasive. Then it got worse".

Worse? Taking blood samples wasn't extreme enough?

"All the woman we would meet he would ask them to consent to more and more tests. He poked and pricked at them like they were test animals. At first he asked for consent, but then women Enki started to go missing. I would hear from forlorn partners or friends that they had searched endlessly for them. They couldn't believe that there was no trace of them. Those that were bonded knew they were still alive, as the bond only ends when there is a death. I refused to believe that Tharn was involved. How could the man I loved be responsible for kidnap and exploitation?"

I felt a deep pit in my stomach like the worst was yet come. I wanted to delay it.

"So my father was called Tharn? It's very unusual."

My mother was confused by my interruption but I could sense that she too didn't mind delaying the rest of the story for a few minutes.

"Yes, it means thunder which is fitting as he can control the weather."

I rest my hand on hers gently and let my energy flow with hers. I concentrate and focus on being calm and soothing. I can see that it is having an effect. She sends her energy back and its like we are glowing.

I was ready to hear more.

"His manipulation of me was minimal to start with. We wanted to conceive, on that we were agreed. I mean who wouldn't put themselves through the same process of fertility treatments that the humans would? We had the means and the money to carry out several tests. We tried external fertilisation several times but it didn't work. He then decided that we should try using different Enki sperms to fertilise. I was against it to start with but he talked me into believing that it was normal, that we needed to make sacrifices to preserve the race. Then it got worse. Much worse. He believed that mother nature would not allow an Enki to be born in such sterile ways. He made me...."

I feel her whole body shake with a mixture of fear, disgust, sadness and hate. The awful thing was that it was towards her not him. I knew what she was trying to tell me and I didn't want her to say it out loud.

I am so sorry. You do not need to go on.

But I must Taqeph. You have to know what you're fighting.

"I was forced into sleeping with many Enki men. I am so ashamed that I did not say no. I thought I was doing good. I wanted to help the man I loved. Little did I know that he did not love me. At least not anymore. When I tried to say no it always ended in a fight, and he was so much more powerful than I. Before my escape I was little more than cattle to be used and abused by any male Enki that he would choose. There were other woman there too, the missing ones. All of us abused beyond comprehension."

Tears slide down her face and I wipe them away. I am horrified at her revelation. How could anyone do this to people? What a disgusting excuse for a man. I feel deep down the hate for my so called father bubble, knowing that when I saw him next I would kill him.

"Then it all changed. I haven't been known to worship a God but I know that there are some who use prayer as form of communication to their believed creator. So I opened my heart in prayer to our mother. I asked her to release the women and I from a fate worse than death. I didn't expect an answer in my desperation. Mother Earth intended for our race to die out, she would not allow a child to be born. The night after I prayed to her she spoke to me directly in my sleep. She told me to reconnect with my mate and that she would grant a child that would end my torment. She told me that my child would be the mother's last warrior on Earth. So that night I asked for your father to join me and reconcile. That night we conceived."

I was blown away and felt like I was having an outer body experience. I was the last Enki? I was to end the line?

"I kept it hidden from your father for as long as it took to plan my escape. I enlisted the other women. They knew that it would be a suicide mission but they had faith in me, they had faith in you. I announced to your father that I was pregnant and his mood changed. He was so loving and kind. I played the part of a loving housewife. Then the women caused an uprising giving me a small window of time to escape. I've been running ever since. I gave birth to you alone and scared but you survived. I knew I couldn't keep you with me. Your father was hell bent on getting you and I back, no doubt to be unwilling participants in his schemes. I couldn't leave you with Enki. It was too obvious and your father had a powerful spy network. I found a light in someone when I was at my lowest. He cared for me and I guess he loved me despite my barriers to loving him back. He cared for you too. He supported us and kept us hidden. When I knew your father's net was closing in around us I asked John to keep you. He loved me and so he obeyed. He protected you better than I ever could. When I knew your were reaching your eighteen birthday and your transition time I knew that you had to be in safer hands. That's when I enlisted Christophe."

Anger rises up in her suddenly and I struggle to breath in its existence.

"Mother, you're choking me. Why do you hate Christophe so much? He has only ever tried to protect me."

"Because by transitioning you he has created a direct link to your father, now he knows where you are, what you're feeling and when close enough what you're thinking. He can visit you in your dreams. I hate Christophe because he has signed your death warrant".

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