Chapter 35

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After the strange conversation with Magnus I had been so exhausted that I crawled into bed and fell asleep, hospital gown and all.

My eyes open and the room is in darkness. Someone stirs beside me and I instinctively reach out to them with familiarity. A hand grabs mine and pulls me towards them, embracing me in a warm hug. Lips gently kiss my forehead, as I nestle my face in a strong chest. He smells of fresh cut roses and earth. I wrap my arms around his waist and pull my body along his, squeezing tight. I know who this is. I pull back my head and look into the stunning sparkling eyes of Christophe.

"Hi my love"

My mouth opens but I am unable to speak. Christophe places a finger on my lips and with one swift motion kisses them gently.

"I know you can't speak. I just want you to know that I am safe. That I love you. You are stronger than you think you are".

The room begins to buzz, colours spiralling like a kaleidoscope. Christophe holds me tighter.

"You are stronger than you think you are".

The bed splits in two and Christophe draws away into the blackness again. From out of the darkness, steps my father. He wears his trademark, long black leather jacket. His arms folded. He stares past me. I follow his gaze and see my mother. She is every bit an Egyptian goddess with her dark eyes and bronzed skin. My mother speaks.

"She is stronger than you think she is".

My father says nothing, his jacket begins to flap, black smoke cloaking him and threatening to choke everything in the room. I try to breath but nothing happens. I try to scream but nothing happens. I cough and the last ounce of breath leaves me body. My eyes flutter closed, my body goes still.

My eyes flash open and I gasp for air. Thankfully, sweet breath fills my body and it begins to move freely. The room is dark but there is a light that shines under the door in Magnus's room. There are no windows so it's hard for me to tell the time, but I know it isn't quite morning yet.

I find my head wondering what he is up to. Did he dream like I? I really needed the comfort of talking about the disturbing dream I had, but I wasn't quite desperate enough to choose Magnus as my confidant.

So I lay where I was and tried to determine a plan of action whilst I had the time to think. To recap, I was the most powerful Enki in the world right now, according to my mother. Christophe transitioned me. My father wants to steal me for a bunch of fertility experiments and I was prisoner until, I guess, produced a child. But what if I never could? The Mother allowed my birth because I was to end the Enki race, surely she wouldn't want me to procreate either? My father never knew the truth, that was certain, he didn't seem the type to follow a lost cause. Perhaps that was my power. Like in my dream.

"She is stronger than you think she is".

Yes. I was. In so many ways. But which was she referring to? What was it about me that made me strong enough to take on all the Enki race?

My father was more powerful than all of us. So what did I possess that he didn't? A soul?

I laugh to myself at my own joke. My eyes cry with laughter and turn to real sobs like before. You know, in films there is always the hero, the drama, the story and the conclusion. What part was I? Would I survive long enough to know? If my father discovers my destiny will he kill me?

Bizarrely I think of my human father. The one who protected me for years and kept me safe. We left each other on bad terms. If I knew then what I know now, it would have been different. I wouldn't have felt like he had abandoned me. I would thank him for his sacrifice. I may no longer be of the human race, but it didn't stop me having an affinity for them, I have after all survived as one of them for seventeen years.

I would turn eighteen soon. It had been so long since I had looked at a calender but I could feel it was soon. I felt different than before. I was becoming a woman.

My thoughts were spiralling out of control. The negative energy draining me in more ways than one. I look back at the light at the bottom of the door and think it would be nice to speak to someone, even my prison guard.

I go to move off the bed and towards the door but I refrain. I wasn't ready. Magnus needed me for something they I wasn't ready to give. Entering his room in the middle of the night, might send the wrong signals. He wouldn't touch me. My father had promised. Did I believe anything that came out of his mouth? Not really. But I had to have faith that it wouldn't end up as horrific as it could. I had to believe that I had the power to choose where and when.

One thing is for sure. I never imagined being with someone I disliked. Magnus has asked me if I had liked him when we first met. I did. He made me feel things I never had before. Our energies mixing was sweet and intense. Could I forgive him and move forward? Or was there a fight that could be had?

Perhaps the two went hand in hand. What was the famous saying? Keep your friends close, keep your enemies  closer.

I look at the light at the bottom of the door again. This was my choice. My choice.

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