Chapter 58

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As we drove towards the underground bunker and my father, I couldn't help but feel nervous. An unwelcome feeling. I missed the numbness that I had felt a few hours earlier. My conversation with Christophe had opened me up again. With the joy of being in love came the other more unnerving ones.

I wasn't sure how my father would react. I had succeeded in doing what I was told, though not in the way I had planned. I had never thought that I would get my mother to willingly return to her tormentor, but here we were. Often, desperation made you do far-fetched things. The hidden gate opened without issue as if Tharn had expected us. I look at Christophe, trying to read his face. What an unusual way for your lover to meet your father.

I turned to look back at my mother, who had been in silent contemplation the entire journey. There were no words of comfort I could give her, I reached out my hand, and she held it. Christophe drove through the gate, and I could tell by the shock on their faces that their powers had left them. Now, it was time to get serious.

As we parked up the borrowed jeep, Amahle came to meet us. I could feel Christophe tense as he held me protectively to him. I was human. If she wanted to cause me damage, she could. My mother walked by my other side as we made a united front.

Amahle's eyes darted to the car as she realised Magnus was not with us. I couldn't hide it from my face. Her eyes filled with horror at first, then disbelief, then anger, and then she just stood silent, contemplating what my face had expressed.

"Magnus... he could not make it?"

I couldn't look at her for the fear of her seeing my tears. Only the dagger could kill an Enki and by their own hand. To her, it couldn't be a possibility.

She rounded on Christophe, the perceived weakest of us all.

"You will tell me where he is. Magnus would never allow this. You have done something to him."

Christophe stayed silent. Powers or not, he didn't want to test his strength against hers. Despite that, Tharn hadn't made an appearance, and that was the biggest risk. My mother stood forward protectively in front of me.

"Amahle, is it? I have heard of you. One of the Zulu."

Amahle hesitated. She knew who my mother was, I could see she wanted to submit to her. But my mother wasn't as old or as powerful as my father. He was the greater fear.

"We come here in peace and of choice. We need to speak with Tharn."

"Your husband, you mean?"

Tharn appeared as if out of nowhere. I could see a shiver run through my mother as she stood only metres away from the man who had almost destroyed her life. It wasn't fear or hatred that I could sense from her. A grimace crossed her face, and I knew what the issue was.

Tharn smiled.

"After all of these years apart, the bond remains as if it was yesterday. You know I am very disappointed in you, wife."

I could see my mother clench her fist but stay silent. I was proud of her. Fighting would be the easy way, being calm to get what you wanted was much harder.

"Tharn, you must know that I am here only for a purpose. We need your help."

He laughed, it wasn't cruel as it usually was, but came from shock.

"After all this time, you can still surprise me. You returned willingly after all this time because you want my help? Pray tell me, what could your ever loyal husband help you with?"

She walked up to him slowly, very like her panther. She was hypnotic and stunning. I know she would look like now what she did all of those hundreds of years ago.

My father watched her like he would eat her. His eyes wide, his lips parted. I should have been disturbed by their provocative behaviour but it was fascinating to watch her manipulate him. She stopped just inches from him and placed a hand lightly on his chest. She lifted her head and looked into her eyes. He stared, holding his breath for a long time. With Enki like speed he grabbed her hand and twisted it so her back was against him in an embrace. He rested a gentle kiss on her exposed neck.

"My love, it is true that you can control me like no other, I am however not an idiot. Time apart does weaken attachment. So let's not try to make pleasantries and get to what you really want, but first do tell us where Magnus is. He had strict commands to return with you and Tapeqh, it's unlikely he would ignore my command."

As he could not face my mother he looked to me. I tried not to react but it was impossible not to feel the emotions of his loss.

"He is dead."

If you have lived for more years than seems possible, your reactions must be incredibly fast, but not even my mother, who was pulled against him, could have seen him pull a device out. As soon as the button was pressed, in comparison to his reflexes, my death played out in very slow motion. I heard the tick tick of the device attached to my heart release, and then the liquid flow into my blood system and attack every corner of my body. It surpassed pain. I was alive long enough to feel Christophe's arms wrap around me and my mother scream.

"Stop, please, she is human."

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